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Taco Mix And Wips



For some reason my fusion parts that are in a small container smell like taco mix. O____o I'm guessing it is the tub, but why was someone putting taco mix into the container. It isn't a food container or anything close to one. =/ Also after a while it gets very annoying and I have to stop MoCing. <<


Also I managed to take pictures today (Yays for day before vacation where you can't do much anything outside the house. =D) of my UBBCC #50 entry. Only two pics though. A ad B. I hate not having my computer. I can't edit the pictures at all to make banners or even to resize. I guess I could use Paint but I don't feel like it because it is hard enough using a laptop. << I want to use my tablet too. :(


I didn't like my entry for Primus' challenge, so I scrapped it. Now presenting..... Latigid!! I love it so far, and those things on the bottom, I don't know what they are yet, but they were spikes/wings on the previous scrapped version. I could use them as arms and it looks like Zip's Nu, but Nieve already made a remake of it and I don't want to copy. I see what happens. ^_^ And for anyone that guesses where the name came from, brownie points to you.


And as I mentioned before, later today I am going on VACATION!! I'm going down to my friend's aunt's beach house that she owns a part of. My mom works with her though so it isn't like we don't know them and are mooching off them. :P Anyway, I'm a bit ###### angry though. Last year we stayed for a whole week, staying over night like 5 or 6 times and constantly having fun. This time we only get to stay over night once. ;_; I don't know why we can't stay longer and I've asked my mom why and she is all avoiding the answer and stuff. But at least I get to go to the beach with my friends and family. ^_^


Then, next week, I'm going to go to my dad's house for the week. We are going to Hershey Park and Niagara Falls. ^_^ I love Hershey Park even if the rides are kind of wimpy. I get to buy candy in bulk though. Last time we went I got a huge box of chewable Jolly Ranchers. Oh my god those things are amazing. I don't know what I'll get this year, but I love to see the new "exclusive" candies they have this year. And by exclusive I mean you can find them else where but you really have to look for them. At Hershey Park they are everywhere. ^_^

Niagara Falls will be cool too. I haven't been there before but my dad has and he says it is pretty cool. And I don't want to stay at his house for a whole week, so that is better than nothing. ;)


Also, there is a band practice next week I hope I can make between Niagara Falls and Hershey Park, but band starts in two weeks so it won't matter much. also first day of preseason it is my friends birthday and he is inviting a bunch of people over to his house to play Rock Band which he is getting for his birthday. =D


And I finished Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox yesterday ago. I loved the multiple twists at the end, and I love how Eoin Colfer covers the twists up until the last second too. ^_^ I started The Supernaturalist again because I forgot everything that happened and I remembered it as amazing. I should probably read my summer reading books though. And on that thought I finished one book... well not really... if you read Stranger in a Strange Land (which is the book) you should understand why I stopped reading after a while. xP


Vector Tower Defense 2 has me hooked, and I love it sooooo. xP


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No Lewa katana please.


But... but... but... ;_; I wanted to use Antroz wings, but I don't have any and don't have time or money to order some for one MoC. =/

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You're going to destroy me for sure in UBBBC50. Even with the egg. As for the thing for Primus's challenge, did you recycle your Nidihki?


And read Airman, another book by Eoin Colfer. It's became my favorite book of all time.


There was a preview of that in the back of the Artemis Fowl book. I'll read it once I get back to the book. I love the rest of his books so I'll probably love it.

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The thingys on the bottom=Win.

UBBC50 Entry= Win.

And read Airman, another book by Eoin Colfer. It's became my favorite book of all time.

I loved that book.


Thankees. ^_^ And I be sure to read it, apparantly it is really good.

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That's a nice entry you've got there.


Hersheypark ain't wimpy! Tackle Fahrenheit a couple of times and see if you lose a candy bar or two.


Fahrenheit? I've never heard of that... =/ I'll search it... Woah... It looks cool, but it looks a little slow. Probably just the angle though. And the drop isn't that big but whatever. :P I'll go on it if anyone will come with me- Shoot, my dad isn't a roller coaster type and my mom isn't coming. I probably won't get to go on any good rides then. Ugghh... and I dislike spinning ride so. :sick:

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