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Nudge, Nudge

Tufi Piyufi


So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna invite a guest writer. Well, okay, technically I'm just copy/pasting, rather than inviting. And it's probably not written by one particular person, given the nature of its source. And oh, what a source.


Guest writer go:


The Smurfette Principle


"You need a life, and we need a regular female cast member on the show. Just one. It's like the law of webtoons. Plus, I think the people might be a little bit wary about the whole four guys living in one house thing." - Weas


Due to subtle sexism, unless a show is purposefully aimed at a female viewing audience, the main characters will tend to be disproportionately male compared to the female cast members. When female characters are introduced, they are often stereotypes, if not feminized versions of existing male characters.


Men will have various different personalities, but women will always be The Chick - so you only need one. This trope has lessened over time, but it still often applies to animated fare aimed at boys or a gender-neutral audience. This is especially egregious in the case of synthetic entities and other species which have a voice or are sufficiently humanoid, who will always be more masculine than feminine, with any feminine examples receiving special attention, suggesting that women are merely a subtype of men.


When time for merchandising comes, unless it is an all-female cast, manufacturers don't create figures of the female members of the franchise, Merchandise Driven or not. This creates a paradox where The Smurfette Principle is upheld by both toy manufacturers and TV writers, each reasoning that the other will anyway. This may be because statistically action figures of female characters don't sell as well as the male ones.


Often the problem lies with the source material, in that it's an adaptation of something written or created decades before equal recognition for women started to gain momentum. Other times, writers will try to correct this problem by inserting a few more female characters.


In classic comedy animation or shows, especially slapstick, women are often absent because hitting a girl just isn't considered funny.


Some anime series may carry it in the other direction, but it's still sexist in favor of men: the one guy will be the target of everyone's affection, and everyone else will be cute, female and aged 16, 16, 16, 19 and 25. (With the occasional loli.) See Bishoujo, Unwanted Harem, Moe Moe.


The name of this trope was first coined by an article in the New York Times printed April 7, 1991, called "The Smurfette Principle". The article discussed the negative message which this trope gave its young audience: that males are individuals who have adventures, while females are a type of deviation who exist only in relation to males.


One of the most ludicrous and irritating manifestations of this trope is the Insect Gender Bender, where a completely reversed real sexual status quo is altered to imitate humanity's. Even the laws of biology must fold in favor of this trope.


This trope is very common in both the East and West. See also Most Writers Are Male. Most writers try to "balance" this out with Positive Discrimination, making the girl more intelligent and level-headed than everyone else, but it still doesn't change the simple fact that there's only one of her. Usually, all it does is turn her into a Mary Sue for everyone to loathe.


Writers who recognize the problem after a season or two may expand the cast with Affirmative Action Girls. This is usually more effective. Interestingly, this can extend to Mooks and the Monster Of The Week with Monogender Monsters, to avoid the Unfortunate Implications of violence against women.


On the other hand, this trope is often justified (the quantity aspect, at least, if not the personality aspect). It is perfectly reasonable and realistic that armies, adventuring parties and many other types of groups would be predominantly male.


Compare Blue Bishonen Ghetto. Contrast the Pink Bishoujo Ghetto; flipped genders, but same principle. As is The One Guy.

Second thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at Bionicle most meaningfully. And I have to tell people I don't give the slightest about the story. Ever.


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This is one of those can-of-worms subjects again, isn't it? Aye, aye, aye...


Props to you for lifting the cat onto the table, as we say in Finland. This has been a grossly underconsidered aspect of Bionicle ever since its inception. I have to admit that despite its patent obviousness, it has never crossed my mind to bring this up as a subject for discussion. I'm male that way, I guess. You do notice it's always a female who takes the initiative on this one..?



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AHA! the chick of the show is not alway's a girl version of the main character in cartoon's!



And starfox the chick thier is a cat.

Sonic! the comic, the chick is a deer, though in the tv series you got me.

But i do agree girl's are stereo typed in appearance and personality. So yeah although thier are some exception's those excption's are few. But when tufi say's she doesn't care about the story does she mean she just buy's set's to moc or she is possibly leaving bionicle?(Though I doubt it)



-zee :tohu:

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You're 'The Chick' of the BZPower staff. :P

When they ask why I gutted you, I will present this statement. No jury in the world would convict me after that.


That's the way of (cartoon) life...

That doesn't make it right.


This is one of those can-of-worms subjects again, isn't it? Aye, aye, aye...


Props to you for lifting the cat onto the table, as we say in Finland. This has been a grossly underconsidered aspect of Bionicle ever since its inception. I have to admit that despite its patent obviousness, it has never crossed my mind to bring this up as a subject for discussion. I'm male that way, I guess. You do notice it's always a female who takes the initiative on this one..?



Well, the sad thing is, this isn't the first time it's been brought up. I know I've touched on it before, at least, and I remember others saying things about it, too. Unfortunately, it either gets ignored or, worse yet, Lego comes down with some nonsense 'defense' for it. Apparently marketing the line mainly to young boys (oh, let's face it, that's unwaveringly what it's marketed towards, with nary a nod for anyone else) means that you simply must have the villages monogendered. Why? ... Because. Someone brings up that maybe it's time for a retcon? Oh, no, can't do that, it's too set in stone. Never mind that bigger things have been retconned in ways that could and have caused way more uproar than this simple bugfix would ever do.


And that's just one of the aspects to this. Don't get me started on the blatant stereotypes that every female character seems to embody. Not even draw from, but outright embody. Mostly we have the 'peaceful team-focused mystic', but we've also had the 'determined to prove she's as good as the others' ('others' quite obviously meaning 'the guys', and why the heck does this matter in a world where gender is allegedly 'ain't a thang'), the 'raaar raaar look I am tough and mean SEE HOW EDGY I AM'... It's horrid.


I guess we all have to keep making a noise, I suppose. If you do this, I will forgive you your little invocation of Ron Paul. (I see all.)


Also, kitties off the table.


AHA! the chick of the show is not alway's a girl version of the main character in cartoon's!



And starfox the chick thier is a cat.

Sonic! the comic, the chick is a deer, though in the tv series you got me.

But i do agree girl's are stereo typed in appearance and personality. So yeah although thier are some exception's those excption's are few. But when tufi say's she doesn't care about the story does she mean she just buy's set's to moc or she is possibly leaving bionicle?(Though I doubt it)



-zee :tohu:

I really don't think you understand this. For one thing, the simple virtue of not being a duplicate of a male character does not make everything a-okay.


Also, I was never into the story. I bought my first set because I was all 'oh hey, neat'. Then I found out what the backstory was and I was all 'uh... I kinda already play Pokemon, I don't need any more help scratching my 'collect them all' itch, thanks'. Because, let's face it, that's exactly what the story of 2001 was. Don't nostalgia me: we didn't have mask packs because Lego was an utterly selfless society. So, I threw it all aside. From day one, it was all about what I imagined and plotted. Oh, sure, there was a stretch where I tried to get into the story, I really did, but that bombed most spectacularly. Nowadays, the only business I'll have with the official story is giggling with friends over the dodgier bits.


So when folks IM me and are all 'oh my god what is up with (latest discovery)' I'm all 'oh no' and 'how dare they' until it gets to the point where I absolutely have to remind them 'dude, why are you talking about this with me?'. I ask them if there is any amusing subtext to be read in it, at least (answer in this situation is rarely 'yes'). Then there is sighing on my part and 'oh, (name)'ing. Much 'oh, (name)' ing.

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You're 'The Chick' of the BZPower staff. :P

When they ask why I gutted you, I will present this statement. No jury in the world would convict me after that.

I <3 you Tufi. :D

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If anyone were to ask me what one thing about Bionicle makes me the most angry and what one thing I would like to see die in a fire, this would be it. This has been a pet peeve of mine since day one.


Fer Hera's sake guys (invariably guys), retconning this would be the easiest thing in the world. Just say that we haven't met any female Matoran/Toa of other villages because, I dunno, they're not quite as common for reasons that don't even need to be explained, but still there. And don't make a huge deal of it. Just have a female Toa of Earth pop up as a minor character or have the Toa ask a Ta-Matoran for directions and refer to her as "she" and never have her show up again. It's not hard at all.


All I want to see is a team of Toa with two female characters, both of whom have character traits beyond their gender. That would fill me with way more glee than it really has a right to.

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Three female Toa, even better. Maybe a little unrealistic, given the war-like role of Toa, but loooooads better than having just one, The Chick.


If I ever get the urge to write a fan fic about a Toa Team, I'll be sure not to perpetuate this literary crime. If I do have a Smurfette, she'll be there for a totally different reason.



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