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Celebration Aboard The Limegreen Scourge!

Schizo Kaita


A moment I've been looking forward to for a while... I finally made it to the top 10 of each of the four categories: I'm now simultaneously on the list of Top 10 Rated Blogs, Top 10 Viewed Blogs, Top 10 Commented Blogs and Top 10 Bloggers. :happydance:

Given, the Top 10 Bloggers is one I could control myself, but the others I owe to the people reading and commenting on this blog. Thanks, people. ^_^


And of course, no momentous occasion can pass without a decent celebration of sorts. Yours truly, Captain Schizo 'Skull Kitten' Kaita, has docked the Scourge in the BioLog harbour and the boarding plank has been lowered. There are garlands and Chinese lanterns in the rigging, I've rolled out the fancy gold-embroidered sails and tables have been provided near the leeboard railing. On these tables you will find the most delicious platters the sea has to offer: fried squid rings (or calamari, if you so wish to call it), tarama (salty fish egg paste with flower and olive oil), gamba, scampi, shrimp and shark fin soup, every kind of fish imaginable (watch out for that blowfish, though - thar be poison in there), and even a special live sushi bar. We even went through the trouble of ordering is some Makuta fish, Ruki fish and Takea shark. McSmeag harpooned another sperm whale last week whilst reciting Melville's Moby Dick, but we already sold that one. We did carve some ivory party reminders out of the remains for you all, though

Available refreshments are coconut milk, water, tea and coffee for the minors and rum and beer for the adults, few as they may be. (O' course, if ye so happen to accidentally pour yerself a drink behind me back, I may not have seen you doing it...)


We'll start off early at 7 PM, so you can chat up with other BZP members and even some exclusive guests: Her Majesty, Empress Tufi Piyufi, and the Eminent Princes, Shannara and Kex, will also be attending. (Captain Schizo nor his crew are responsible for any physical or emotional trauma suffered throughout said conversations.) We'll also be projecting One Piece movies one through seven on the main sail. Fansubbed, naturally.


At 10 PM, the famous Pirate Piñata returns, filled with golden dubloons, pieces of eight and silver knives. (Yarr, I'd watch out when that thar thing bursts open to spill forth the loot, lads 'n lasses...) The resemblance with Algernon is purely a coincidence, I swear 'pon me dad's watery grave. (He's still alive, so I've no qualms with tha'.)


At 11 PM, there'll be a Hatebeak show, with everyone's favourite avian vocalist. Bring yer earplugs if ye're not man enough to handle the black metal noise. (EDIT: Lady K and her Flying Dutchmen may follow suit, if they can still be booked.)

But the party has then only begun: our very own T-Hybrid has 'volunteered' (some minor threatening was involved, I plead guilty) to spin the wheels and drop the beat from the Scourge's aft deck. His DJ set will last till the early hours. Watch out for break-dancing Vahki Schizakh, they're still malfunctioning. I swear, I don't know why Bink neve made them water-proof. Besides being rusty, they're getting barnacles all over them. They look as if they just walked off the Flying Dutchman, I swear.


For those who need to take a break and enjoy the sea breeze, there are Lazy Boy bean bags on the foredeck. Or if you're staying the night, there are hammocks in the for'ard hold.


So please, do stop by. The next occasion on which you walk these decks may be less... cordial. :evilgrin:


Let the celebration commence! :pirate:



EDIT: Because we're still having fun, the party has been prolonged for a few more days.


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I'll try my best to be there, but these storms have me stuck at dock while my deckhands work to keep the bilge clear of water and repair the damaged sails from the hail storm.
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Ahoy, sounds like you'll be havin' a brawl on the oceans.

I'm only in two top tens, 'rated' and 'bloggers'.


Didn't even know there were ratings until now. xD.

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Congrats schizo ^_^


I'll personally take some sushi, lots of it, I think I'm deserving for finishing that pbzp-1 line :P


But yeah, I love sushi, one of my favortie foods.


Hmm... I'll have some shrimp as well, and perhaps some shark fin soup to finish it off.


This is all free... right? :lookaround:

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O.o I am so confused.


Aye, I be there if I can fight of the girly redcoat and her gang(Aka my sister and her friends are also having a party tonight)! In need of my band aye? I'll see what I can do....


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Ah, most excellent.


Feel free to start the party earlier, if you like. With all these different timezones, it'd be difficult to keep track. :lol:

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Just a suggestion, start lining up early. Because once I start spinning the tunes everybody is going to want to bust a move on my end of the boat.


Congrats on making the Rankings. Pretty impressive accomplishment.

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An unwarranted party in my seas, Schizo? For shame. You know such a gathering demands for certain... 'protection', wouldn't you agree?


But let that come later. For now, it's time to mingle.

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Aye, Congrat's Captain. I'll be at this famous party. You'll be needing guards to keep Evil Lord Surverlode away. He be a party crasher.



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I'll have tea. Gotta be green tea. With plenty sugar.


Sorry I can't stay long, Cap. Your ship is a thing of beauty. And the way you've decked it out (pun so intended) just floors me.


Oh, I can't believe it: you even have Pacific salmon! Bless you, Schiz. Yum!


(Climbs on table with mouth full of delectable salmon steak.) Let it be known to all and sundry that Cap'n Schizo is a fine man, one of the best. And he never misses an opportunity to point it out, either. But let this night stand in our memories as proof that he is also the most generous, the most piratingest man this side of the Carribean. He is an inspiration to us all. A huzzah! (Chokes on fish bone.)


I'm all right. But I think I'll turn in. Thank you, Schizo! Congratulations! Good night, everybody!



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LK, we're all to busy eating sushi and gawking at these marvelous ivory tributes to be concerned with posting in schizo's blog to give updates to the unfortunate souls that be doomed to eternity in Dany Jones's Locker.


Speaking of which, I've extended this bathroom break long enough, I must get back to socializing...


*Runs out onto deck to rejoin party*

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*sneaks a bottle of rum down my throat behind Schizo*

Traditionally....one wants to pour the contents out prior to consuming them.


Unless you enjoy the taste of glass ;)

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An unwarranted party in my seas, Schizo? For shame. You know such a gathering demands for certain... 'protection', wouldn't you agree?


But let that come later. For now, it's time to mingle.

No, I'm pretty sure the Schizakh can handle things. Mobster tricks don't work well on pirates, lad. :P


Aye, Congrat's Captain. I'll be at this famous party. You'll be needing guards to keep Evil Lord Surverlode away. He be a party crasher.



Ah, but I have lured him away for the time being by whispering into his ear tales of unclogged servers and sites that know no lag. 't Would be against his very nature not to go exploring.


Well, it seems like the party's still going strong during these early hours. So far people have choked on fish bones and rum bottles, people were confused, my most illustrious person was praised and no one was robbed. No one, I say! If your money is missing, you probably left it at home. Go look for it there. Shoo.

*trips over Makaru*

I warned you about that blowfish!

*Makaru mumbles*

Oh, you're always purple. My mistake.

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Congrats, Schizo. May many more people butcher your name. D:


BTW, I hope I didn't miss much. I'm afraid I couldn't make the party.


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*Yawn* Slept till noon today. I guess I stayed up late after all. I remember slamming back cup after cup of steaming hot tea with a blurry, spinning circle of faces cheering me on. After that, it's all blank. Woke up under the pier, feeling like someone had been eating barnacles with my mouth. But the sea breeze has reconstituted me wonderfully. I even dragged myself to town and looted some stalls at the market. They made me pay, though. I guess I'm just not cut out for this pirating business.



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May many more people butcher your name. D:
Well done, Shizio Katia!


Of course, having a blog party is one way of keeping your blog up there. XD

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Ok...I had friends over and I didn't understand the party concept at all really, so, sorry about not making wherever the party was. :P


*Goes back to sleep*

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*Yawn* Slept till noon today. I guess I stayed up late after all. I remember slamming back cup after cup of steaming hot tea with a blurry, spinning circle of faces cheering me on. After that, it's all blank.

Ah, the Boston Tea Party Trick. Always amusing to onlookers.

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Congrats, Schizo. May many more people butcher your name. D:


BTW, I hope I didn't miss much. I'm afraid I couldn't make the party.

Oh good. You're still up and awake. Now you can help me find Shan... wherever he is. Lost sight of him over twelve hours ago. I'm hoping he didn't fall overboard or anything. If we can't find him onboard, though... you're checking the waters.


And I simply must commend the wide variety of fish available here. :D Fantastic work.

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