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Angry Nidhiki


Now if anyone can explain to me why I chose to do Algebra 2 in the eighth grade, please tell me, because I really don't know. It's INSANE! XD


This week, we learned about factoring binomials, polynomials and trinomials, multiplying and dividing monomials, and simplifying radicals. All in ONE WEEK! And it's gonna get a heck of a lot harder. I'll just pray that I don't have a spasmatic meltdown and get sent to a mental institute. XD


But Language Arts has been really fun. We read Young Goodman Brown and Circumstance (both great short stories, one about a guy who is condemned to (the underworld) and another about a woman who stops a beast from killing her bby singing hymns to it), and they were awesome. And today we translated rap songs into formal language and the preamble of the United States Constitution into informal... (that was especially fun XD).


Science= okay, but a bit boring. I have it firt period, so I get done with it quickly. Social Studies is great, I love the teacher.... and we get into great discussions. And then French... smae teacher as last year, and it's pretty fun. Today we had a party and I ate 4 things of ice cream. :D


And then band.... my life and the way I survive. That is going great, though some players got especially sucky over the summer....... XD


Anyway, other stuff.


I've thought about actually DOING that movie I joked about... might need a bit of help, as far as getting it done by halloween, but it's become a possibility.. actually, if math homework continues like this, I probably won't get it done.


I finally get to PLAY metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Prime Pinball today! My dad took them for a month cause I did something he didn't like... and now I get them! woot.


And lastly, today's random fact.


Did you know that the actor for House (show on Fox) is the smae as the dad in Stuart Little 1 and 2? Scary thought, but it's true. :lol:

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XD. I only have to take Algebra one. I'm in 8th Grade, too. Our Math teacher gives out Extra credit, only like 3-5 Pionts at a time, if you answer a question correctly. The sad part is, I saved up to a free 100 and busted them all out when I got a 7 on a paper that wasn't explained enough. (We had a Sub the whole week, in case ya'll are going to call me dudmb;))


I don't really like band. Lost interest last year, but, alas, I still must play. :(



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