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Glitch Notice

Lady Kopaka


I would like to make this small announcement to my Glitch in the System readers (thanks for all the comments and consideration!) that the next chapter may take a bit longer to be updated. Why? Here are the reasons:

  • I am experiencing a bit of a writers block. Not necessarily with the story, but with the writing. What I have written lately has not been up to quality in my opinion, and I have scrapped a lot of pages. So I may take a day or two to take a break and just think about how I want the story to unfold.
  • I usually try to stay 2-4 chapters ahead of the publicly shown updates on BZP. I’ve fallen behind on that, and I intend on finishing chapter 8 before posting the next chapter.
  • I have officially started school today, with new books and everything. So I’m cracking down on that and will be taking school seriously for the next month or until I get the hang of my Junior [11th] year. School is taking priority for a bit, but hopefully will not be too disturbing for my activities here and projects concerning art and writing.
  • I have a bunch of other projects regarding art that really needs to be finished, and some life issues need to be sorted out.
  • This mini break could help people out who are interested in GitS and have not read it yet; it gives people time and a chance to catch up without falling behind.
~ ~



I usually update a chapter every 3 days to a week. It may take a bit longer than that obviously as I try to sort tings out. Of course I won’t be quitting on GitS and it won’t take a month for me to update each new chapter; I’m just giving a warning to why the next chapter (or 2) could take a bit longer.


Sorry about this, but don’t worry, this wont spoil GitS. In a week or so everything should be back to normal. :)


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Man, I hate writer's block. Give it time, though -- inspiration will hit hard and fast, don't try and rush it.


Junior year? Oh, man, sorry for sounding a little negative, but good freakin' luck. Junior year was the hardest and most horrible year for me, what with testing and all.


Just keep the fact that Senior year is coming soon in your head, and you'll be fine -- Senior year was a breeze.

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Junior year? Oh, man, sorry for sounding a little negative, but good freakin' luck. Junior year was the hardest and most horrible year for me, what with testing and all.


Just keep the fact that Senior year is coming soon in your head, and you'll be fine -- Senior year was a breeze.

Well, my freshman and sophmore year pretty much stunk, so I'm not really being very optimistic about this year. :P Thanks for the warning though.


Wait, you have a new epic?! :o

Lol, I'll read it later.

Dang that blockiest of feelings. I've had it for years now. :P



Haha, no rush. But yeah... I've been talking about this epic for months though. xD



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