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Short Story Contest: Twisted Logic



Tahu - Nara
Love And Rivals - Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
Pariah - The Oroboros's Proxy
Shrouded - IfYouWubMeWontYouLetMeKnow
Confessions Of A Dark Hunter - Jedi Gali
The Encounter In Karda - toa Tarik of fusion
Whispers - Xenronn

The Village is proud to present Short Story Contest: Twisted Logic (lol, Coldplay). The object is to create a Short Story that has a twist ending.

Minimum word count: 500
Maximum word count: 6,000


1. The reader must be lead to think to think one thing during the story, and then, at the end, find out that that aspect(s) of the story was completely different than they thought. The aspect(s) that is "twisted" may be a major plot point or a minor one, just so long as there is a twist at the end.
2. While comedic elements are encouraged, remember that this is not a Comedy Contest, so don't make your story a downright Comedy.
3. Only one chapter is allowed, this is not an Epics Contest either.
4. After you have submitted your entry here, you may only edit your post to edit grammar or spelling mistakes, and nothing else. If otherwise is suspected you may be DQ'd.
5. The story must be new and never posted before on BZP.
6. The story must be your own work, no plagiarism.
7. The story must not be above a PG-13 rating.
8. The story must be written in prose, but some poetry is allowed.
9. And finally, it must be Bionicle-related.

...will be announced at a later date.


My Banner...


If anyone wants to make any more banners you can do that too, the more the merrier. :D

All questions can be asked here, or PMed to me.

Have fun! :)



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I have about 19 thousand Dokuma storylines in my head that fit these guidelines. Count me in. >=D
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I have about 19 thousand Dokuma storylines in my head that fit these guidelines. Count me in. >=D




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Ok i have made a banner, it's up to you to link it and all that, as i forget how to... here's the image.





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Interesting. The story I've been pondering could actually work with this theme.



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That requires too much thinking. I have a good comedy idea that would work- but it's still a comedy.


I'll see if I can think of something before this contest ends. :)



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Will try.


Sounds fun.


Are there any limitations on the twist? Or anything against using a cliched twist?


The way I see it, most endings have been used.


I'm sure I can think of something.

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Oooooh... this will be very challenging.


What do you mean by post the story here?



Will try.


Sounds fun.


Are there any limitations on the twist? Or anything against using a cliched twist?


The way I see it, most endings have been used.


I'm sure I can think of something.

You can use any twist you like, as long as there is a twist ending.




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Can it be a slightly predictable twist?



Yeah, just as long as it's not too obvious.




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I dunno if I'll be able to enter.

The deadline is rushing up, and I'm working on finishing my BBCC entry...

And I still don't even have an idea. =/

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I dunno if I'll be able to enter.


The deadline is rushing up, and I'm working on finishing my BBCC entry...


And I still don't even have an idea. =/



I may extend the deadline if there aren't enough entries.




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Darn, I have a PERFECT story that I'm working on, but it's an epic.


Too bad.


But I may enter something else regardless.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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I'm on vacation right now, three-hundred miles from my home.


However, it's over Friday.


I've got a perfect idea.


Hopefully I'll make it.

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I just got an awesome idea yesterday, while I was thinking how awesome it would be to have a Crast.


I'll see if I have time.

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This is the perfect type of contest for a LOST addict.


I can come up with millions of usable twists just from that show.




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Announce the prizes alreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaady



I don't know if there will be any. :mellow:




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