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Short Story Contest: Twisted Logic



Tahu - Nara
Love And Rivals - Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
Pariah - The Oroboros's Proxy
Shrouded - IfYouWubMeWontYouLetMeKnow
Confessions Of A Dark Hunter - Jedi Gali
The Encounter In Karda - toa Tarik of fusion
Whispers - Xenronn

The Village is proud to present Short Story Contest: Twisted Logic (lol, Coldplay). The object is to create a Short Story that has a twist ending.

Minimum word count: 500
Maximum word count: 6,000


1. The reader must be lead to think to think one thing during the story, and then, at the end, find out that that aspect(s) of the story was completely different than they thought. The aspect(s) that is "twisted" may be a major plot point or a minor one, just so long as there is a twist at the end.
2. While comedic elements are encouraged, remember that this is not a Comedy Contest, so don't make your story a downright Comedy.
3. Only one chapter is allowed, this is not an Epics Contest either.
4. After you have submitted your entry here, you may only edit your post to edit grammar or spelling mistakes, and nothing else. If otherwise is suspected you may be DQ'd.
5. The story must be new and never posted before on BZP.
6. The story must be your own work, no plagiarism.
7. The story must not be above a PG-13 rating.
8. The story must be written in prose, but some poetry is allowed.
9. And finally, it must be Bionicle-related.

...will be announced at a later date.


My Banner...


If anyone wants to make any more banners you can do that too, the more the merrier. :D

All questions can be asked here, or PMed to me.

Have fun! :)



Recommended Comments

Awesome!!! An SS contest!! Too bad I only found out about it now.


Just got a great idea...


:kaukau: -JG

Pleeeeeease enter! :)




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I started in my head.

I now have a summary. :)





I should write something down, shouldn't I?




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Guest kopakanuva13



I have to decide whether to enter my Mavrah story here or to enter the RPG contest this time around.

I'll enter your SS contest because the RPG contest will be back in two months xD

Mavrah Story (Undecided title)=10% done.


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You extended it? Especially after I've been working on it so hard all week long and will probably post it this weekend?


Man... *sighs*


:kaukau: -JG

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You extended it? Especially after I've been working on it so hard all week long and will probably post it this weekend?


Man... *sighs*


:kaukau: -JG

Soooooorry. :P




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Greetings, y'all.


I have finally finished my entry, Pariah, and wish to enter it into this contest doowhatchamacallitajighickey.


It's 4895 words long, and clearly under the 6000 word limit and over the 500 word minimum.


Thank you.



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Dangit, I wish I knew about this sooner! ;_; maybe I can find some extra time... bah!


NO! I want you to enter! :(




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Author: Jedi Gali

Story name: Confessions of a Dark Hunter

Link: Here

Word count: 4670


By the way, is it judging or voting?


And... you're entering your own contest??


:kaukau: -JG

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Author: Jedi Gali

Story name: Confessions of a Dark Hunter

Link: Here

Word count: 4670


By the way, is it judging or voting?


And... you're entering your own contest??


:kaukau: -JG

I haven't decided.


Yes, I entered, but I won't win. :P




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Indeed. :D


So what's goin' on?? Entry period over... or extended?


:kaukau: -JG

Extended...again. :P




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