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Olympic Opening Ceremonies



It was spectacular. Completely spectacular. I watched the entire thing, missing only one or two minutes of the parade of nations when I went to order food.


Ah it's too bad darned NBC acquired the broadcasting rights for the entire country since now we're watching it twelve hours late but hey, watching it at the same moment as the rest of the nation, well, that's good enough.


The opening show was unbelievable. Unbelievable.


I just want to say that I wish the stupid announcers had left politics out of it, because this is the Olympics. Look, over two hundred nations from across the world are converging in this one place for two and a half weeks. Whatever the tensions, aggressions, wars, issues, what the heck. We're all here, the world, it's in one place; isn't the purpose of these games so we can put that aside for a bit? So we can look to our left and right and see people of every color, nationality, ethnicity, religion, and contrary to all evidence have a little pride in humanity?


Look, I really hate it when people criticize China concerning these games not because of my personal opinion on whether or not China deserves it or not. I'm watching and half an hour until the opening ceremony of the Olympics-- and during the first part of the ceremony itself-- why are you talking about this? Why? This is neither the time nor the place. This is a celebration, a grand event, this is something that this country has been preparing for for years, it's not about what the government is doing in China it's about the people, okay? It's about the people.


This Olympic games means everything to the people of China. This is all they've been working towards, this is their hopes and dreams, this is their moment to really shine, for years it was all about this, this is a matter of national pride, I mean, I was in China in 2006 and the excitement for this event was palpable. Can you silly commentators respect everything that's been put into this and just forget the stupid politics for a second and realize how much heart went into this?


Just watching the ceremony, it was beautiful. Why do you have to ruin that? Is it your place to do so?


I'm sorry, I'm just really ticked about that. I mean, I was raised my entire life in the United States and even I felt a strong sense of pride in this event. This was this nation's moment in the spotlight.


Can't we simply step back a bit, let China have the spotlight for two and a half weeks, before we go back to whatever bickering we were at before?




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I was watching Star Wars instead of the opening ceremony for the Olympics.

The way you made it sound makes me wish i'd decided otherwise.

Except for the commentators going on about politics and all. That's kinda ruin a big opening ceremony for me too.

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I agree, it was spectacular. I just wish you could've watched the Dutch report. At least over here they were discussing the event itself, not the political bull around it. :P
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I was watching Star Wars instead of the opening ceremony for the Olympics.

The way you made it sound makes me wish i'd decided otherwise.

Except for the commentators going on about politics and all. That's kinda ruin a big opening ceremony for me too.



You won't find better special effects in HOLLYWOOD.

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