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Ladies, (xD) do you ever have that awful shopping day Let's say in, oh I don't know, Wal-Mart and all of a sudden you turn away from what you're looking at and you realize you have some random guy staring at you with that creepy look that says "you're hot" and you all of a sudden get uneasy and make a fast exit?


Happened twice today in two different stores. yucky ewww. GRAHHH. guys don't give that look please. it scares me. >.<




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But I told ya'll I live in the middle of nowhere, unfortunately, walmart is the only store we HAVE! Well actually, they ARE building a walgreens now, and they finally set up a cell phone business.



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Don't worry.


I flirt better than that.



Man you guys are creepy...

How is that creepy?


Its not like I'm going to flirt with Sunny. We're a bit distanced to say the very least. Likely by hundreds of miles. Nor does she seem interested.



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Its not like I'm going to flirt with Sunny. We're a bit distanced to say the very least. Likely by hundreds of miles. Nor does she seem interested.

Well the way you said it made it sound like you were. :P


"Don't worry ..." lolz

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I really don't know what to say about this... O_o


While I have no clue as to what you look like, I can say that I'm pretty sure you're probably beautiful, but I'd never give anyone that kind of look. Even if they're a supermodel. :P



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