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Dear Guests.



(First things first: I'm famous. As you can tell, j'aime Cajun beaucoup!)


Now, moving on to what I really, really want to talk about.


Target/Starbucks customers guests.


Number one:


How hard is it to walk ten yards, at the most to put your cart in a cart corral? Really? Are you that lazy? Do you know the damage those things can cost others? Ridiculous, be ashamed, world, be ashamed.




If you're going to stare at my menu for five minutes, please also take a brief moment to look at prices and sizes. That way when you finally come to the counter and tell me the things you would like to order, you can confidently tell me what size you want your beverage, and you won't be outraged at the ridiculously high price you're paying for said legendary-quality specialty beverage.


Next, we have trash cans located all over the store, and you are never more than ten yards from one (hmm, sounds an awful lot like the cart corrals...) Please use them. They are not for your benefit, they are for ours. Don't be lazy and stash your cup on a shelf, or leave it on your table. We aren't your parents, clean up after yourself, bums.


If you spill something, I cannot emphasize this enough, tell someone! Wet floors are a hazard and a health issue. Spills can cause slips, injuries, or if not taken care of, lead to harmful bacterias and other irritants, such as flies, gnats, and roaches.


Also, use your head. Can't find the bathroom? There's a ridiculously large sign up front that says RESTROOMS. Follow that sing like you're Dorothy following the Yellow Brick Road. It'll get you to the Palace.


I'm not your slave, don't you dare look down on me. I am making your beverage. I am not there for your verbal abuse. I am not there for you to mock, condescend to, or in other ways ridicule. I'm serving you because I'm paid to. Not because I'm beneath you. I'm performing a service for your benefit. I don't go to your place of employment when I need your services and look down on you. And once you ridicule and condescend to me, how do you think your beverage is going to taste? (Hint: It'll be amazing because I refuse to stoop to your low levels, sirs and madams)


On a related note: Working at Starbucks is my job, not yours. Don't you presume to tell me how to do my job. That's why it's my job, and not yours. This is why they pay me the big bucks. I know what I'm doing. You don't. I have the recipe in front of me- you don't. You don't like how your Venti Decaf Iced Americano tastes, because the other Starbucks does it differently? I'm sorry you've gotten used to a lower-than-legendary service and beverage made incorrectly. Ours is made by the book, in ways that don't spoil the full flavor of the espresso. You say they poor your shots directly over the ice? SHAME on them for ruining the espresso, shame on you for accepting sub-par standards as your default.


In other news, my job is awesome and I love it. No sarcasm. But seriously, whoever it was that told customers they were always right, I hate you. Because they're not, and no one should walk into someone else's workplace with such a disgusting sense of entitlement.


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amen to that. I don't work at a starbucks, but my cousin did and he hated it [he quit eventually] mainly for those reasons.



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But seriously, whoever it was that told customers they were always right, I hate you. Because they're not, and no one should walk into someone else's workplace with such a disgusting sense of entitlement.


Unless you happen to work in a library. Then you have to endure all the stupid peoples coming in and destroying your shelving efforts/de-straightening books/doing other asstd. things that make you want to kill them/etc. And you can't even yell at them. Although you can take them into the nice dark back alleys and strangle them, then leave their dead bodies with notes attached for other 'patrons' to find. Notes that say something like 'If you take out another books from my shelving efforts, I will kill you.' But then what do they do? They promptly take a book. (Rather, I wish I could do that, but....)


Like a time where some random 'patron' (my definition= fool who disarranges books) goes through my entire nicely organized cart, deorganizing it as they go, then has the gall to come up and ask me where the Easter books are. I point soundlessly to the big sign that says 'Holiday Books'. I had to restrain myself from killing them while I was rearranging my shelving cart yet again.


So my advice is: If people get at you, don't work in a library.

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Just so you know, I'm an exemplary customer who treats workers with respect and sticks up for them openly when other customers get rude.

I've been in retail and MAN is the customer often rat-******* WRONG.


Then again, you have to understand WHY some customers are rude... because at way too many of these "lower" jobs, the workers really are everything they're assuming you're like.


We buy fast food.

We buy fast food from many different places.

The fast food we buy, with ZERO exaggeration, is wrong at least 50% of the time.

It does not matter if we are regular customers.

It does not matter if we are yearly customers.

No joke, ...fifty ...five-zero... percent of the time.


So yeah, it's wrong for a customer to treat a worker like dog chow, but understand, your peers have likely done the same to them a hundred times over. That month.


All you can do is lead by example to show the customers and your coworkers how it's done.


Personally, I watched a lot of japanese tv in my teens and 20's, really liking the "japanese hostess" type chicks who were very subservient and apologetic with customers both in action and in body language (eyes especially).


It's not a bad role model for workers (male or female) who really give a darn about their fellow man's happiness to take into their character.


::finds Starbuck's you work at::

::fills up tray with piles of condiments and napkins::

::does a fake pratfall going "WHOOOOPS!" as it explodes all over floor::


(Hey, I'm only human. I need entertainment too.)

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I would agree with certain points here, but...


Dude. Starbucks. If I'm paying upwards of six bucks for coffee, I better be able to HOVER via the power of my supercharged nerves.


The rest, however, is truthiness.

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How hard is it to walk ten yards, at the most to put your cart in a cart corral? Really? Are you that lazy? Do you know the damage those things can cost others? Ridiculous, be ashamed, world, be ashamed.


But seriously, whoever it was that told customers they were always right, I hate you.

It's so true about that cart thing; I worked at Albertson's for over a year.


Customers can lie.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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I would agree with certain points here, but...


Dude. Starbucks. If I'm paying upwards of six bucks for coffee, I better be able to HOVER via the power of my supercharged nerves.


The rest, however, is truthiness.


I agree on the overpricedness. But you have to expect that, I guess. And kudos on the Colbert Report reference. :D


I agree fully about the carts thing. I always put mine away, and sometimes I put other people's carts away, if they're just floating around. Annoys me though.

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I come in, I look for the stuff I came in to look for, and get the heck out of there.


Seriously though, how come every target has like nigh 50 checkout lanes but only two or three on either end of the store are ever open. Maybe put some in the middle? Or...y'know, fill the rest of them when there's 20 people in each line X_x I'm trying to give you my money man, why don't you want it!?


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I come in, I look for the stuff I came in to look for, and get the heck out of there.


Seriously though, how come every target has like nigh 50 checkout lanes but only two or three on either end of the store are ever open. Maybe put some in the middle? Or...y'know, fill the rest of them when there's 20 people in each line X_x I'm trying to give you my money man, why don't you want it!?



Supply and demand.


That and they won't hire people my age who look like me.


Oh, and also I never understood how people can NOT know what they want going through a fast food drive thru (or even standing in the restaurant itself gawking at the sign), even if it's the first time there there must've been SOMETHING that drew your attention to that place, some price or some food object- just order the dang hamburger you wanted or leave. It's. Not. That. Hard. Or in the case of Starbucks just order something, it's Coffee, it's all essentially the same anyway and the person ordering has probably already ruined their life with Caffeine that it doesn't affect them so they just want to look chic walking out of a conglomerate superstore (not that Target is on par with Wal*Mart on the ego thing, but they're still corporate America) with their expensive coffee that won't even hype them up for the drive home.


But in the words of a friend of mine, "Feel free to spit in the soup, I like the way it tastes."

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