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Last-day Week (or Five Days, Actually)



One last day at my church tomorrow. Teacher Appreciation Day, too, so yeah: lots of kid hugs expected, lots of candy, lots of fun little stuff they give me every year, plus all the girls saying 'NO DON'T GOOOO' even though I'll be back later in the year. It will be sad. :<


One last day of work on Monday. This will not be sad. Myself and two other members of my family are about ready to file a complaint with the Health Department because of the conditions there. Heaven help them if the problems aren't fixed when I come back in the winter - I'll have to heave myself out of there and find a new job.


Two days to frantically try to remember if I forgot anything. Never thought I'd say this, but at least I don't have work. Haha! =D


And then:


I head for college on Thursday Friday.


And finally meet my roommate for the first time on Friday.


And start classes on the 22nd.


*scream* : D


Plus the cool thing about my roommate: she's from Alaska, and my family is good friends with a family that goes to the church her father pastors. O_o It's sooooo weird and awesome at the same time.


Gwaaaaaahghagskjdas ICAN'TWAIT! <3






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Plus the cool thing about my roommate: she's from Alaska, and my family is good friends with a family that goes to the church her father pastors. O_o It's sooooo weird and awesome at the same time.


xD! I love connections like that. Maybe because I have so many of my own. It's amazing how small the world is, eh?



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Everyone is related to everyone in under 6 connections... right? :unsure:

Six degrees of separation. And I quoth Wikipedia:


Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six "steps" away from each person on Earth.



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I'm so excited for you, Niki! You're taking a gigantic and intimidating and exciting step and I know it's gonna be all really awesome for you. Keep your chin up, hang in there, and enjoy the ride! :D


Everyone is related to everyone in under 6 connections... right? :unsure:

I thought that only applied to Kevin Bacon!

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I leave next week on the 20th, so you won't be alone. I still need to get stuff and contact my roommate, though.


Wewt college!

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Sounds so exciting and still mind baffling at the same time! This sure is going to be a big step, but I'm sure you'll do a good job! I've been praying things will work out. :)


I just love it when coincidences happen like that; it's so funny how the world can seem so small. xD

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I'm so excited for you, Niki! You're taking a gigantic and intimidating and exciting step and I know it's gonna be all really awesome for you. Keep your chin up, hang in there, and enjoy the ride! :D


Everyone is related to everyone in under 6 connections... right? :unsure:

I thought that only applied to Kevin Bacon!

I'm only four degrees from Kevin Bacon! =D

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