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Asus Or Hp

Watashi Wa


It's down to these two laptops:


HP dv5t with:

Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 (2.0GHz)

15.4" display


NVIDIA GeForce 9200GS w/ 256MB VRAM

250GB HD

$964 without shipping...will take another week just to BUILD it (ordering straight from HP)




ASUS Series M51Sn-C1 with

Intel Core 2 Duo T5750(2.0GHz)

15.4" display


NVIDIA GeForce 9600 w 512MB VRAM

250GB HD

$1019 without shipping...will take 4 days to get here


I'm thinking the ASUS because for only 50 bucks more I can get a better graphics card, and it will get here faster. And I need a laptop soon because college starts on the 18th.


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ASUS. I mean, it'd be best to get a laptop soon then get used to its features than to wait until the last minute to have a laptop and not know how to use it correctly.

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I'm using a souped up ASUS M50Sa right now, I highly recommend getting the M51. Lots of great features and definitely a lot of bang for your buck. Are you gonna be running Vista?

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I'm using a souped up ASUS M50Sa right now, I highly recommend getting the M51. Lots of great features and definitely a lot of bang for your buck. Are you gonna be running Vista?

Yes. I personally don't have any problem with Vista.


Do some research and find out how the tech support for each is. Go with whichever is rated better.

That's easy. I hear HPs support is pretty lame, but they build some nice computers. *drool*


Are those the only choices?

Unless you want to send me so more moolah, then yes. :P

But I found an Acer Aspire that has all the same specs except the CPU is slightly better (2.1GHz) and is $999.99...and in-stock. If the ASUS isn't in-stock by tomorrow -Wendesday at the latest- I'll probably be getting an Acer.

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