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Meh. My mom might not let me go camping with friends because she got tickets for something I don't want to go to >.<


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Garrison Keillor, narrator of Prarie Home Companion.


It's not exactly a terrible alternative, but it's an early birthday present for my dad, and I don't know how long it lasts, and I'm not as in to PHC as my parents are.

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No, I'm not going to correct tickers.


It seems to be more of something for your dad then just to drag you along and away from camp.





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Gotta make sacrafices sometimes. Now you got something to use against your parents when you wanna do something (besides camping). :P

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No, I'm not going to correct tickers.


It seems to be more of something for your dad then just to drag you along and away from camp.





I'll correct it FOR YOU.


Mmhmm. Technically though, she's right, because she bought the tickets a while ago, and I only just got invited to camping. But I was unaware that she had bought a ticket for me.


Gotta make sacrafices sometimes. Now you got something to use against your parents when you wanna do something (besides camping). :P

XD. I wish I could use this as an excuse. But my parents will just say I should have been paying attention (even though I wasn't told), and that it's my fault I made plans. Kind of a "no-win" household.


Aw man, that sucks.





Ugg. Camping is so much better.


Good luck.



I know. I'm going to hang out with them today anyway (shopping for said camping trip, ironically), so maybe my parents will relent.

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