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The Road To Redemption



I look forward to the cold air and chapped lips that fall and winter shall bring. I don't know why. I guess its because I like wearing sweatshirts and winter hats. I am the Stylin' and Profilin' member of BZPower after all (maybe Da Mista Mike will challenge me to that).


Anyways, evetyone on the BZPBlogs has made an entry on how they can't wait for school or are dreading the utter fact that the date of the First Day is fast approaching. Personally, I like to call it D-Day, but I have to say I'm somewhat looking forward to seeing all my friends again. Though I don't have as many friends in this town as I did in the other, I do in fact have friends.


But why would I write a bloody entry on school? No one cares what I think about it, because its going to match what someone else said about it, yada fasha waba.


Reason why I'm looking forward to is a little thing I like to call...






You see, I'm one of the few. The unlucky. The shamed. First-hand, I will find out what it will be to repeat a school year.


Yeah, I'm staying back.


Its the kind of slap in the face life gives you where you have to laugh in humility. Especially when you open the letter and it says, "Dear member of the Class of 2011."


It was formerly 2010...




Out of the eleven credits I needed to get into Junior year, I only got 8.5 credits.


That's bad.


This year, I have to actually hit the books. I have to actually study. I have to actually care. Ain't nothing going to get away from my goal of graduating this year.


It's gonna be one heck of a 180 day ride...




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Hey, at least you are still gonna get glomped in the hallway by her, right?


What!? She's here!? (O_O






False alarm *Relief*


And even though I wouldn't want to tell anyone how to run teir lives, lest you of all people, school is important. Giving up is just as good as throwing your life away. You'll be out of high school and realize that you're all alone in the world without a good education to back you up in anything. [/rant]

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