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The Last Hurrah



Edit! What should I name my new, $10 two gig PNY flash drive? A] Kopaka B] Lewa or C] Pohatu?


3 days until college!


Sadly, my two best friends must part our ways in a few days as we head off to different colleges. So, I may not see them again until winter break. Well, maybe I'll see one during fall break--oh! We'll all be in the area for Thanksgiving!!!


That said, we had "one final" sleepover Friday night, even though we'll get together again for New Year's Eve, like we've done every year since 7th grade.


First, we went to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars for free at my movie theater. (I also got the movie poster! (Which is probably cooler than the movie though.)) In short, I liked it, it was cool and mildly entertaining (though The Washington Post's review might have been even more entertaining) and didn't quite leave me feeling like I wanted the last two hours of my life back as my friends really felt. Wait for this to air on TV to see it, guys.

(I don't think I'll comment any more on it, because it'll take another entry to explain why I liked it even though it wasn't great. But don't go see it in theaters unless you have free tickets and nothing better to do, or you're like me and the other 10 people in the theater on opening night that are hard-core SW fans.)


Getting out of the movie, we headed back to Zack's house. From there, we shuffled around in his Lego collection, built some random stuff, and then popped in War of the Worlds. Ah, we love that movie! Great John Williams soundtrack too, BTW. That's right, past midnight we decided to watch a 2 and a half hour movie that you shouldn't watch right before bedtime. (Which, for the record, has been 3:00 AM for about two or so years now at our sleepovers.) Not that a scary, destruction movie like that does anything for the dreams, it's just a funny thought.


So, great movie to follow the *should-be-stricken-from-SW-canon* movie, interesting (to say the least) MOCs, and great friends. Now it's midnight and I still have to pack and tie up loose ends and read 300+ pages of Three Cups of Tea by Tuesday night.



PS, thanks for some comments in Crustaceous. Care to drop another if you haven't already done so?


Quote of the Day from bio djinnie: Lost in thought. Do you know the way out?


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Agreed that War of the Worlds is a great movie, love John Williams.



I like the book more though.


Your USB drive?

What color is it?

PNY...2 Gig... 256 is Turquoise, 512 is Green, 1 is Purple...(Don't ask how I know this. >_>)...2 gig is...yellow. Yeah, I think it's yellow. Either that or Black, but I think 4 gig is Black.




[-The Alchemyst-]

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Trans yellow under the black shell.


I'm also debating various other names I like, but things like "GLaDOS" or "Darth Vader" just don't ring to me.



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Trans yellow under the black shell.


I'm also debating various other names I like, but things like "GLaDOS" or "Darth Vader" just don't ring to me.



Cortana? Bitil? Keetongu?


Were there really only 10 other people there? That's awesome...


I hope that movie's a total flop so the series can die mildly peacefully and I won't be ashamed to wear my Star Wars shirt. >_>



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