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Crustaceous Moc



8 days until college!


That's right! I've built a MOC and found time to take pictures and decided to post is relatively soon after! (I have various pics of old MOCs, but by the time I think of posting them my MOCing style has (supposedly) improved.)


Anyway, comment on Crustaceous in the topic. (If that's old or locked, comment here.)



I know the blogs usually get one word entries and such, so if you don't feel like doing a full review here, comment in the topic.



Oh, I also ended up getting the Inspiron 1525 for a total of $680 or so. It's got 250MB of something (I don't think RAM is the right word....), has a webcam I'll never use (but it was included with the best price) and a cool media center (which enables me to turn on a portion of the computer and easily play only music!). It should arrive on-campus shortly after I do, and then I have to figure out how to install Vista (icon8.gif) and some anti-virus software, and download Mozilla, and then I might be able to get on. (And I need to install WordPerfect....) Luckily two of my friends are taking computer courses and know what they're doing.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day from bio djinnie: When you take a cookie, it might be wise to eat two. One for the stomach, and one for the heart.


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I'll get around to reviewing it in the topic later (Once I figure out what I don't like and such).


(Or once you figure out what you really like.
Glass half full/empty. :P)

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