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So I just found out that a new Spider-Man Saturday-morning cartoon had started airing in March, called The Spectacular Spider-Man. I've been watching it online. It's actually really good so far. Makes me realize how the movies could have been even better if they had been able to keep more of Spidey's battle banter.


Also, the show has come up with an actual legitimate reason for the existence of supervillains, one that not only makes logical sense (if you ignore the fake science behind it), but is actually very devious. And no I won't tell you what it is. Watch the show. 'Tis pretty neat.


Green Goblin's bombs shriek when they explode. :D


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I know. I kind of liked the insulation suit they gave him in the show more than I liked his bare spiky-head, though. It was cooler, but unfortunately they had to make him look remotely like the comics or the angry fans would eat them alive.


You know what? There should be a topic in COT for this.

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So, like, I should try and find the lyrics?

Living on the edge,

Fighting crime, spinning webs,

Leaping from the highest ledge, he can swing above our heads.


Spi-i-i-i-iiii. Spi-i-i-ii-iii.


Villians on the rise

And the city's victimised

Looking up with no surprise, he's come to save the time (<---- Makes no sense! Should be 'he's in the nick of time' or something!)


Spi-i-i-i-iiii. Spi-i-i-ii-iii.


Spec-tac-ular, spec-tac-ular, Spider-Man! Spec-tac-ular, spec-tac-ular, Spider-Man!


<jazzy music>


Spec-tac-ular, spec-tac-ular, Spider-Maaaan!


I warned you I was picking up the lyrics. feel free to try and find the official version.

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I think it sounds like "arriving in the speed of time", which doesn't really make much sense either.


And I also thought it was just "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah", not "spi".

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I think it sounds like "arriving in the speed of time", which doesn't really make much sense either.


And I also thought it was just "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah", not "spi".

Those were just what I thought I was hearing. You're welcome to look for the real version

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