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Because I Feel Like Teasing You Lot...

Turaga Dlakii


...It's time for some LIGHT spoilers! :happydance:


Here's a couple of things you probably shouldn't know about the upcoming five or so chapters:

  • I've given the Toa Team (that is, Dlakii, Harkha and Enira) a proper team name. They're the Toa Calix, obviously meaning Toa of Fate.
  • Speaking of Enira, I've completely overhauled her design. Now she actually looks like a Toa of Shadows. Her Toa tool has also been renamed (sort of to go with the name of Dlakii's Toa tool), but if you've read The Unknown Turaga, you've seen it before. :sly:
  • Speaking of Dlakii's Toa tool, it's been redone as well, so it doesn't make his other weapons (a bow as a Matoran, and a sword as a Turaga) look out-of place in the lineup. It's also been renamed.
  • Harkha's received a TINY design change: his eye colour. Meh.
  • I've got another Guest Star thrown into the mix here. Lewajohnson decided to apply for such a role. I've added a random picture of him at the bottom. In addition, a number of other new characters will be introduced, one of which will appear in LoD Chapter 20.
  • Four of the next five chapters are set in the Daxian Archipelago, an island chain far to the west of Port Spirit. And yes, there's a reason it's named after Daxia.
...And that's everything I can think of.



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