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Le Gasp!



Well, despite not being able to find our four-year-old Disney Parkhoppers to use and only getting two days at Sea World and one at Busch Gardens out of our week-long passes to both places, the vacation was a blast. While now we (and by we I mean my mom especially) are now definitely starting to think we should do Disney next year, the whole concept of a play-it-by-ear, hang-out-ish vacation worked well. We pretty much spent most of today at Downtown Disney, where I picked up Antroz and Solek, then saw Hancock at the theatre therein, then drove to Sea World to see if they had any good night shows, but left when we discovered they didn't (not to mention the torrential rain). But it was still fun. Leavin' tomorrow morning, and unlike on the way down, we're gonna go non-stop... meaning that we'll probably get back home around 2:00 AM or something.


I'm not sure if that last part is deserving of a D= smiley or a =D.


Ah well.


Hancock was pure and complete win, though the language pushed it at times (though it died down in the second half). Will Smith is great in any primary protagonist role, in my opinion.


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