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High School Never Ends



But it's just about to begin. >.<


I'll be going into grade nine in two days. Which means I only have nine days to change my schedule around. I'll be taking 11/12 Math and the rest of my schedule will be the stuff for the freshmen. The schedule for freshmen is pretty flexible (two instances of each required course), but as my Advanced Math takes place during one instance of Physical Science, I have to take the other Phys. Sc., which locks in History, and all the other required courses. It also forces me to take Spanish I (only course offered that hour, actually).


Sixth hour's options were Band or Art. I'd taken band the last two years, and I'm sick and tired of it. The teach doesn't commit very well and she expects all her students to actually like music. However, I know from several previous experiences that my art skills can hardly be helped. Art was a full class anyway. So I was forced to take band one more year.


What I didn't realize when I made my schedule was that my Literature class wasn't locked. It was flexible despite the others being locked. It's offered in the last two hours. So I do have options.


6th: Art, Band, 9th Lit.

7th: Chorus, 9th Lit.


Chorus is also taught by the band teacher, so I can't get out of being with her. But I would like to take chorus for at least one semester. It'd be nice to at least have a moderately tolerable voice. Eventually I'd like to record my songs, so I'd have to be able to sing. As such, I'll take Chorus in the first semester and trade it off for Band in the second semester.


Taking chorus also lets me stay in one half of the building until the last hour when I have to walk across the school to take chorus. Plus, there's a ten-minute break before 7th hour. That'll be handy.


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You're only a freshman? I thought you were way older than me! :o


I'm a sophomore. Enjoy ninth grade, it's the easiest year.


~Sidorak The Hunter

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You're only a freshman? I thought you were way older than me! :o


............I agree with the above statement.




And high school ends. It just doesn't seem that way from the bottom.

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I thought you were older, too. I'm a Junior.


Lucky me. I just have classesand a deadline for when to send exams to the private school HQ. Homeschooling FTW. :P



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