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My Life Is Complete

Tufi Piyufi


Well, slightly moreso, anyways.


I have a terrible, awful, humiliating revelation I have to share with you all: for the first seventeen years of my life, I had gone without watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I do not jest. This is something I've had to keep under my hat all these years, all these references around me, every day, everywhere... it's been difficult. I've not gone without a sense of guilt, either. I pride myself on knowing these crucial bits of pop culture, especially those older than I am. And- let's face it- just about everything in this movie is a pop culture reference.


Oh, but how would I know that for sure? Allow me to continue.


Saturday, June 3. 2006: I finally finally finally see that infernal movie!


Oh yes. And well worth the wait, might I say. It's odd... even though just about every joke in the film's been 'spoiled' for me countless times, there was still something awesome about seeing it all in film form. In fact, they even work better in the context of the movie. Things like the whole swallow joke and stuff like that seem much less random and feel much more like the running jokes that they actually are. In fact, I prolly appreciate the jokes even more with all this context.


Yes, while a lack of context can create fine humor, sometimes you need to see the whole thing.


And now mom's convinced she needs to get us to see Meaning of Life, too. Ah yes, my pop culture understanding is coming together very nicely. Hurrah! Hurrah!


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Meaning of Life is so much better than Holy Grail. Mostly because of all the people that reference it constantly out of context. But mostly because it's actually significantly funnier in my opinion. And I can't post my favorite bits on this lovely PG (heck, PG-13) forum. Pah. Ah well.

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Holy Grail, I agree, was the most awesome movie ever to be watched by yours truly. I loved the coconut joke. And I was in a similar situation - my friends told me all the jokes countless times, but I still found it hilariously funny.


You've got no arms! What are you going to do, bleed on me?

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And then, the shrubberries...


Life of Brian is another one of note, but it must be viewed with hearty humor: if you're laughing already, prepare to bust a gut. But if you're not, it's just not as funny as it's billed.

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Yeah, I have a shirt that says "Come back here and I'll bite your kneecaps off" with a big picture of the black knight (minus arms and legs, of course). It's helarious, and is insanely popular at my school. Meaning of Life is a little on the......explicit...side if you know what I mean, yet is still trememdously funny.


Nothing beats Holy Grail, though.

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Ah, it's always wonderful to see when somebody gets the opportunity to see a real classic for the first time, which Holy Grail most definitely is. I do prefer it over Meaning of Life but that's just me. And I would agree with KIE's points about Life of Brian (which always sends me rolling on the floor, especially the end) - you have to be inclined to that type of humor (or humour, since we're talking British) to begin with.


Another truly funny and highly underrated classic is A Fish Called Wanda. Cleese gets to really act and not just be a prat, and Kevin Kline earned that Oscar. Oh, and what's not to like about Jamie Lee Curtis? :)


- Bink


P.S. Shrubbery!

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i've only seen the grail once... and that was about 2 years ago...


hilarious movie IMO


now only if i could remember any of it :lol:


glad your life is now completer than it was ^_^

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You've made many a Festivus reference, but The Holy Grail? Tsk.


Well. You're tainted cultured now. And that's always a good thing. And you can never fully spoil The Holy Grail, The Meaning of Life and The Life of Brian, because they're so chock full of absurdity, you can't possibly reference it all in one lifetime without re-enacting it from start to finish. And I've tried. It's not easy.


Oh, that reminds me. See Life of Brian. Do it. You'll be a better person for it. And Jabberwocky. And And Now For Something Completely Different. And so forth.

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Congratulations, Tufi, whether they're in order or not.


One of the local television stations is showing the Monthy Python's Flying Circus show again, which I've only seen a few sketches of. Too bad the programmers feel that top-shelf comedy needs to be aired at midnightish. Prime time would be better, but the channel's part of the public tv company, so they just put on news, culture programmes and quizzes. At least Tuesday has Hornblower, too.

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So this makes me the last person on the planet that hasn't seen it? :lookaround:


They even watched it in Spanish class, and I still managed to miss it.

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So this makes me the last person on the planet that hasn't seen it? :lookaround:


They even watched it in Spanish class, and I still managed to miss it.

Don't feel bad. I haven't watched it yet either.

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Once you've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you know you just have to see the LEGO song number. You just know it. It's like insanity in LEGO form. :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Yay... you guys aren't shunning me for my horrible revelation! *dance of acceptance*


The whole British humour thing is no impediment... I far prefer it to the sort of dreg that clogs up the theatres these days, anyhow. You know, those movies that all look the same from the trailers (and prolly after full viewings), with all the same (bad) scatological jokes... But as some of those have employed Good Vancouver People, I suppose it's a necessary evil.


And yes, I need to see the rest of their movies. I know. I'm hoping we'll actually take this as an opportunity to do so. I need my pop culture, for crying out loud!


As for you GD Minions... see it. I really ought to make it mandatory for GD staffiness. I'm sure Janus'd agree... right? :D

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Yay... you guys aren't shunning me for my horrible revelation! *dance of acceptance*

Nah, it's not really a shunnable offense until you reach the age of 34, as opposed to 17. Mid 30's, then we'd worry about you.




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Yay... you guys aren't shunning me for my horrible revelation!
No, it's not for that: it's for an entirely different reason. :P


Besides, I went several years without seeing it, of course, it didn't bother me. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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