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Well, BrickFest is over, and for the first time in several years, I wasn't in attendance. I would've loved to be able to see the BZP gang that dropped by, but I got a small taste of that when Omi called my cell phone during one of the get-togethers. At least I got that much of it. You'd think the BrickFest webmaster would at least be able to attend his own convention, but noooo....


Part of me is jealous of everybody that got to go, another part actually enjoyed staying home and getting caught up on doing the lawn. (Should grass be yellow and brittle?) I was a bit strapped for cash this year, so I reluctantly decided not to fly cross-country for the event. I'm anticipating a better cashflow situation next year, though, so watch out! And I may even bring a MOC or three, who knows. (Last year, my Stargate won a couple of unexpected awards. I still suspect it was out of pity, given the awesome MOCs there.)


A smaller LEGO convention is coming up, though, in my neck of the woods - relatively speaking. NW BrickCon is coming up Oct. 6-8, and I'll be there, along with my local LEGO cronies.


Speaking of my peeps, check out some event pictures from a recent one-day outdoor show my local club participated in. That was fun, and hopefully we'll be back next year to that venue. (Yes, that's me in my bug-eyed sunglasses, on the left in the first picture. I've since upgraded my eyewear to something a bit more stylish.)


(I was gonna link some of the pictures here, but... well, they're not very good ones of me, I'm actually much more handsome and debonair than these pictures show. Ask anyone.)


Since I'm jumping around topics (yes, I had caffeine today, what of it???) I should mention I was able to finally save up for a LEGO Mindstorms NXT set, which I'm picking up in a few hours. After I go to a dental appointment, that is. Gotta take the bad with the good.


Also, on yet another subject, I'm very happy to have gotten the Traveller's Tales story online, to generally positive feedback. The game itself is awesome, and I hope to have more info before the release date. The trip was great, if tiring, and well worth the visit.





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Yes, you look so handsome with that receding hairline. :P


Just kidding, Bink. BBQs are always fun. Well, 90% of the time.


Nice article on TT Games; can't wait for that game!

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Yes, you look so handsome with that receding hairline. :P

Hey, us hair-impaired people are usually the more brilliant ones. In both senses of the word. :P There's no grass in the fast lane.


And Bink, that Stargate was pure ownage. It deserved those awards.


Also, bonus points for using the word 'debonair' - it's a perfect description for swashbuckling buccaneers. :pirate:

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Yo where was Steve? I didn't see him this year. :(


But I hope that phone call cheered ya up or something. We wanted you to be part of it in some way or another, cuz you not being there is like Omi not being a playa. Yanno?


Hope to see ya next year.



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