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Lady Kopaka


I have noticed something as of late. All thanks to Glitch in the System. And UK too.


You people....




Stay away from my braaaaaaiin! D: now everyone is out to devour it!


*Puts a hard helmet on and runs away*


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You should consider yourself lucky, nobody wants to steal my brains. They aren't good enough :P


But just to fit in.....




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I just thought you might like to know that I now own your brain through a game of dice in an AIM chat room. :)


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Don't worry. I don't want to eat your brain. Without it, you wouldn't be able to make your amazing art! =D




I will personally devour the organs of any person, creature, object, or thing that attempts to stop the art by eating her brain! >=D




Edit: I almost forgot the mandatory *hugs*. :lookaround:



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I'm almost a vegetarian, so brains aren't on my menu.

Though, if Sylar DOES gain his powers by eating the brains of others, then i'll give it a shot 8D

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I assure you guys, my brain is not as amazing as it sounds, looks, or smells. :P It gets confused and thinks slow quite often!


Haha, thanks for the hugs. x3

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What?! You dare to challenge my opinion? If you weren't you, I would kill you! As of right now, I can't kill you because it would stop one of my main sources of awesome, you're lucky you're an awesome artist! =)

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*Steals unprotected kidney*






*ransoms kidney for brain*



<snatches LK's spleen>


Spleen > kidney > brain. Cuz we all know the spleen is awesome.



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Wow. Who knew BZPower was full of vicious, brain-eating cannibals?



On second thought though, I just ate. So you're safe from me. (Forever; I ate a lot.)



all you mind-devouring zombie peoples stay away from LadyK's Brain. If you want to eat her thoughts, you will have to wait in line and listen to dull elevator music for three years. Those of you who survive will have the privalidge. Those who do not will be in no shape to argue.


*cyber-hugs LK*



Edit: Upon further recollection, I have determined that NOBODY could survive that kind of torture. So now, you're REALLY safe!

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