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Onua The Black

ToM Dracone


:: 2396269065_6de2d3d202.jpg ::


I've been wanting to do this for many years, to build Onua entirely using black pieces (well, except for his eyes), and now I've finally gotten the last gear I needed. He looks quite awesome like this, if I may say so myself. :D


onua03.jpg_thumb.jpg :: onua05.jpg_thumb.jpg :: onua06.jpg_thumb.jpg


The one on the left is actually the best picture, though the thumbnail doesn't look it. My camera has trouble focusing sometimes, and that one turned out the best... and there's a whole gallery if you want to explore a little more.


I had originally planned to do this just against a standard white background, but I think this looks so much cooler. I went outside earlier and discovered how nice and cool a day it was, and I hadn't taken any MOC pictures outside in a long while...

~ ToM


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Ever make a MOC in all black? Fun stuff.

(Oh, I guess that skeletonythingy with the purple eyes was all black. Fun stuff.)


This guy certainly looks cool.



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I had considered doing a solid white Kopaka, but his smaller gears don't come in white, so it's technically not possible.


As soon as I can get a black flamesword and black hooks, I'll do Tahu and Gali, because they're the only other ones who can be done in solid black...

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I had considered doing a solid white Kopaka, but his smaller gears don't come in white, so it's technically not possible.


As soon as I can get a black flamesword and black hooks, I'll do Tahu and Gali, because they're the only other ones who can be done in solid black...


That will be cool. I've always wanted Kopaka to either be all white, or to have slight hints of light gray underneath the white [for more, look at my post in Bundaling's Ihu].


I look forward to the Tahu and Gali :P I really want a black flame sword . . . or Kopaka's sword in black would be just completely awesome. I adore that sword.

Edit: Lol at Makaru.



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