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Time To Face The Music



EDIT: Dang it! Accidentally clicked the 'Draft' button!


Clothes... almost picked out.


Gum... check.


Backpack... never on the first day, that's just stupid.


Zune 8GB mp3 player... check.


Flirt... check (as always)


Pepsi... Why is the Pepsi always gone?


Sneakers, old ones I've had for two years... check.


Pencils... check.


Pen because there is always one teacher with bad eyes who can't handle the truthpencil writing... check.


Sleep... ha.


Money... check. (maybe I'll go to that Subway nearby...)


Amazing charm, good looks, and single status advantage... check.


God... well, He was never gone to begin with, check.


Vending Machine cash... check.


Amigos... half-completed.


Well, can't be 100% prepared for your second year of the 10th grade.


Bonsoir, Good morning, and PEACE.




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I'd also be trying to face the music, but with the only music being my brother blasting his new trombone at several hundred decibels, I'd prefer to meekly hide in this corner instead of having my face disintegrated.


I start school on September second. We start right out with field trip. Hooray.

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Summer break. That's funny. Try being schooled all summer even though you did enough work to pass during the school year. D=

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To solve the Pepsi problem, I recommend a twenty-four pack from Wal-Mart. *thumbs up* You should be set for a good while.


You'd think <<


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