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Homework Music

Jedi Gali


I don't know about you guys, but when I do my homework, it helps to listen to music. I know I would do fine without it, it just makes the process that much more enjoyable. So whether it be an essay I'm writing, Spanish verbs I'm conjugating, or flash cards I'm making, I like to turn the good 'ol CD player on. (And no, I don't have an Ipod, MP3, or small music-playing gadget.)


As I'm making this entry, I'm also working on some English and listening to 'Across the Stars' from Attack of the Clones. Yeah, I like listening to soundtracks. :D


I know music may bother some people while they're attacking their homework, but generally, I'm not distracted by it. Generally, that is. :rolleyes:


:kaukau: -JG


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*fails at thumbs-up sign*

I love music in general. I'd have to say my favorite working song is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. =d

That or Flobots. XD

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Music helps with math.


*thumbs up*






I love listening to music doing school . . . I'm not really sure why though :shrugs: :P



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Sometimes I do that, but a lot of times I get caught up in lyrics and start doing my homework sort of half-heartedly. (Raises a question, is there a way to do homework hole-heartedly? :P )


I don't have an I-pod or MP3, so I usually work in front of my computer, playing music on it. But sometimes, working in front of the computer isn't the best idea either.



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