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Josh The Bosh




Josh the Bosh

Group: The Amigos

Josh and I go way back. I knew him since the 6th grade, but I think it wasn't until he splashed chocolate milk on my head during our little 'fight' where his anger overflown did we start actually being true friends. The vice principal Nearly had Josh suspended (he had a record for his bi-polar outbursts) until I lied my way through it. I had nothing against him, and I didn't care about the face my hair smelled like chocolate milk (for the three day after that too). Soon, the next summer we spent our time going out with our mountain bikes and going across our small town, eating MickyD's, hanging out, grabbing the other amigos, and make the world ours, no matter how bad it seemed or the fact it was gonna change for us all soon enough. Numerous heart-to-heart's came in our friendship, and we've deemed each other 'brother'. I back him up, he backs me up. We're family, we're brothers, and the best of friends, and I thank God for this everytime I look back on my life.



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