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Clone Wars



i got to see the clone wars today. it was awsome! the music, the animation, the story, it was all amazing! but i personaly think the best part was the separitist droids. they got more of a personality in this movie. here are some examples:


Droid 1:"fire in sector ################### ( forgot the numbers)"

Droid 2:"fire in sector#####... what was it again?"

Droid 1: "just fire over there!"


(the droids are trying to hack into a door lock)

Droid 1: "the blue one?"

Droid 2: "no!"

Droid 1: "the red one?"

Droid 2: "no!"

(sith lightsaber cuts through the lock)

Droid 2: "that'll work."


(anikin and asoka just escaped a sith assasin)

(droid looks through door)

Droid: "ma'am, count dooku demands to know your progress. should i tell him they got away?"

(droid gets thrown off cliff)


don't you love comedy?


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