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September The Frist



Some Monday,s yu walk into werk and thing look like itll all be good. Som days, not so much.


Today, not so much.


So, the countdown has been scheduled for several months now. I just found out last Friday that one of the servers used to develop the site will be down until Tuesday afternoon, which means I can't make any changes to the site that weren't already scheduled to happen.


That wouldn't be so bad, but it turns out there's a bug in both the Takanuva's Blog Flash, as well as the Movies Flash. And I can't fix them.


Taka's blog has run out of space. I need to get that updated, but I can't touch it, so I don't know how long it'll be broken.


The movies Flash should automatically show the new animation when you land on the home page, but it doesn't. You have to scroll to the next panel to see it (it's there now).


On top of that, there's still a bug in the Mistika game, so it won't launch until Thursday. At the earliest.


So yes, I'm aware of the problems with the site, and am working to get them resolved - please save the angry PMs, they won't help. I'm working on getting them resolved as quickly as I can.


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People send you angry PMs? :P I mean, they take it personally?


Awesome animation, good choice doing more CGI this year. Also, I don't know if this has been said, but to fix the Takanuva's Blog glitch, right-click on the flash object and lower the quality to medium.

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Not another delay...


I might as well stop waiting for the game. The animation was good, but it could've used Ignika, Taky, Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.

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Why is the Part That says Join the Mistika Upside down most of the time when i Start The Site? Where is says Join the

Mistika, blah blah blah, The Part that says join the mistika is upside down, and nothing else showed, exept When the countdown for the movie was up, then it Was Saying: Join hte mistika 62 Upside down, why did it do that?

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Ok, just checked out the 'Repaired' site

The count down on the Axalara pic is back up(currently at 6)

Blog is working

Still no Game(i know, he said Thurs)

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I don't mind, as soon as they come up eventually :)


-Freeze :flaguk:


Same here.


I have waited a mouth for it, I can wait longer!


You can get it up when it is set. I mean, this means a good game, so this is not bad :)



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