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Did You Hear About The Paranoid Dyslexic?



He always thought he was following someone.


So anyhow yeah I'm back. Weekend was awesome. I'm just gonna sum it up in days.


Day 1

So we got there ~4:00 and unpacked and start setting up the stick forts that we've been setting up for the past… 5-6-7 years at least. We call it "Kidsville". Shut up. Then we did stuff that I have forgotten because it was a few days ago. Oh yeah and there's a dance like every night so I went to that and danced a bit and stuff.


Day 2

PANCAKES WOOT. Yeah. Then I did a Percussive Dance thing which is more difficult than it sounds. Then lunch, then Shakespeare In A Box, then whatever else that I forgot. Moar dance that night except I didn't dance.


Day 3

Last full day. More Percussive Dance practice, lunch, hangin' around, etc. We performed the Shakespeare thing. It was the quick version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was a wall. :D Then the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. IT ARE SOUND BORING, but it's cool. It's basically the entire camp getting together outside the cabin that we usually stay in and eating unhealthy food and stuff, but people wear funny hats. So I wore my fish hat. At the party we did the percussive dance thing, and we didn't fail as badly as I thought we would. So yeah dinner then more dance.


Day 4

LAST DAY SAD FACE. Got up early so I could help set up breakfast. We were going out with a bang. The Dining Hall manager had to leave, so he put two of my friends (let's call them Shadow and Thorn, for lack of better names) in charge of the breakfast. And we made it pirate themed. The "In" door to the kitchen had the "In" sign covered by paper that said "The Plank", and there was a kind of "Oh noes pirates are coming and stuffs" sign stuck by the door with a knife. Rly. And we made a sign that said "The Rum is GONE". And it was all-around AWESOME. But then we left by 10:30 and now I'm all sad and stuff because it's awesome there.


Now I'm back and there's school tomorrow oh ####.


Oh yeah two things.


1. Thanks for not demolishing my blog/profile/whatever while I was gone.




Recommended Comments

*Joins in demolishing*


Also, that joke is again ripped, this time from political satire group The Capitol Steps. Don't think you can rip the "Hugh Jim Bissol" numbers just because your bfahome. ;D


It sounds like a great four days/three nights thing though, glad to hear you evidently enjoyed it. =D

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