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Wake Up And Smell The Climate



According to this CTV article, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (the title still feels funny attached to that name) is apparently not too worried about climate change. Considering his political bent, that comes to me as no surprise; what does is that Canada still has no national strategy for adapting to climate change.


When I applied to the Forestry program in Finland, they told me I needed to study a 278-page PDF for the entrance exam. That 278-page PDF was Finland's National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, commissioned in 2001 and published in 2005. So right now, Canada is already five years behind and losing ground fast. Not only has it not gotten started, but as a nation with 4 times the latitudinal range and 30 times the surface area of Finland, its strategy is going to be that much more work.


Polar bears on Hudson's Bay have been in jeopardy for years. The ice is melting sooner every year.


Meanwhile, with emissions-control programs being scrapped left and right, cars and industry continue to release ever more greenhouse gases.


Canada has no plan to deal with global warming, either to cut back its contribution to the cause or to adapt to the consequences.


And all because politicians are more worried about paying off their backers than they are about the future of the freakin' country.


I don't get it.




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