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Le Sigh...



So. Block day. I had one today. A block day at my high school means you have two 'seminars' which are basically study halls, in between which you have hours 2, 4, and 6 for looong stretches. It also means no band rehearsal. So I got to sleep in for an hour.




It also means I have P.E. for like EVAH.




Suffice to say, I'm sore all over. Which is no help, because tonight the band is playing at the opening of the local festival, aptly named 'Old Settlers.' The opening is called Stand and Blow, and for some reason my friends think that's awkward. Am I missing something, or am I the only mature person in my grade?


Furthermore, I freakin' hate English at this point. We have so much woooooork. It gives me the groans.


We're starting Fahrenheit 451- I read the first 25 pages in class for the heck of it and I actually like it.^^ Amazing, that is.


But that is not why I'm blogging! I'm blogging to say OMG WHAT THE KARZAHNI my ART TOPIC IS GOING TO DIE.;; Why? I don't know. All I know is that I personally cannot save it, because I was the last poster.Dx So yeah, anybody who wants to go save it will recieve a digital glomp, and mayhaps a request. 'Request' here means a drawing I do for you for free. That's a good deal, folks. So...save my art topic.x3


No guaruntees that the request would be done terribly soon- I have a lovely draw of Hahli Mahri HB and mayhaps the entire Mahri lineup in the works, not to mention a project I would love to do, an abandoned epic, and numerous songfics, and I have tons of work/life to worry about.>> But I will do my best.


Edit: Ha, Ferrius beat you all. Ha. HA HA. (Um yeah thanks Ferri.)




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