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Moar Mistikan Thoughts

Turaga Dlakii


Because such entries tend to reel in the comments... :lol:


Anyway, I'll start with Onua. If you overlook his SHEER SCRAWNINESS, he's actually a really good set. His new chest armour piece is quite good, and it fits well with the silver Metru chestplate situated beneath it. I really like that shield of his, just not as a shield; in my opinion, it makes a good axe, therefore solving Onua's melée weapon problem. His Nynrah also has a unique piece as a cover, which I seriously like. Need I mention that with this piece, Onua's Nynrah can clip onto his back with relative ease? His mask is also quite good, but it reminds me of the Kraahkan more than anything. My only real gripe with the set is his stick-figure limbs; sheesh, not even Tahu or Gali are that thin. Other than that, Onua is pretty good.


Now, onto Krika. I quite like Krika. He also has that awesome new chestplate, put to good use in that Makuta torso. When risen to full height, he is MASSIVE by canister-set standards, dwarfing Onua. His mask is sheer awesomeness, as are his blades, and his Nynrah seems to fire further than that of Onua. On the other hand, because of his structure, playability and posability are severly limited; he can't even use his hands/blades without toppling over, such is his imbalance. As stated in some BZP review, his Nynrah-arm is a bit prone to rattling due to how it was attached, which is a bit annoying. Also, there's a difference between the white of his joints and that of his mask and blades, as the latter appears to be closer to that of Thok; perhaps either lightening the blades or Thok-whiting the joints would have fixed that issue. One of his most glaring issues is his value for money; he has far fewer pieces than any of the Toa, which makes that $20 pricetag really quite questionable. That's my I get my LEGO cheaper at K-Mart and Big W. :happy:


And that's my opinion. As you can see, I clearly prefer Onua, partially because of the fact that he has more parts than Krika. But they're both good sets. Now I just need Bitil, and I'll be happy...


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20 bucks? :blink:


I would never pay that much for the Mistake Major Fail Mistika.




No, I think you're putting them in the wrong light; Onua sucks, as a set. He has some good pieces, but overall...


And Krika. He's alright. But there's a BIG NEGATIVE on posability. I think you pointed that out.


Bitil was put together by a 9-year old.


There we go. Hate me now. :annoyed2:

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Ya, all the Toa ( If they even deserve to be called Toa anymore << ) are pretty weird looking, but as far as pieces go, I'm sure some of them are useful.


Krika, yes is pretty cool looking, he would be so much more awesome if he didn't have that cheesy gun thing, sigh, that just kills the Moc right there...


As far as a set that has good pieces, I would go for Takanuva, sure he's an ugly brute now, but the pieces are really good, not to many sets come with good white pieces anymore, which is a shame.






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-_- Phy, do you own him, too?


I wouldn't consider indiscriminate red spikes, awkwardly jutting *silver* armor, and, well, a blaster...


...to be the work of a [9-year old] genius.

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I agree about Bitil, but I like Krika and Onua. Onua is a good, solid set, and -almost- passes as an incarnation of his character. Krika just owns all around, IMO.

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But that doesn't make him genius; he's just comparatively better to even (Sorry '95, but that's bypassing the word filter) sets. :P


(Oh, woops, I forgot. Why is that word filtered but stuff like "gay" isn't? :P)

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