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Bionicle Movie Thoughts: Part The First



My dream is to someday see, or be involved in the creation of, a good Bionicle film series. As in one with a good budget and one that would go to theaters. Not one made to sell toys, but one made to sell itself.

We'd have to think up a snazzy title for each movie, as well as a subtitle. Like with Star Wars they had "Episode". For Bionicle I'm thinking... "Chapter".

The voice acting would have to be good.


Visions and Flashbacks

I'm thinking they should be in flash style, like the MNOLG and Bohrok animations. I think that would be really cool and unique, add some flavor to the movies. It would also help you know when someone was dreaming and when something was really happening. The sprite and animations quality would be, of course, better than the original animations, but with the same concept. Thoughts?
But of course the Metru Nui story wouldn't be all flash style. :lol:


Coming of the Toa/Tale of the Toa/???
Chapter One
Main characters: Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, and Takua.
Main villains: Makuta and Infected Rahi.

Basically it would start with Nixie seeing the Red Star, and it telling her that the Toa were destined to come or somesuch. She would tell Nokama who would tell Vakama who would send Takua off to collect the Toa Stones. Or perhaps that would be the beginning?
Scratch all that, it would probably begin with a narrator telling the Legend of Mata Nui, in the Amaja pit. THEN the other stuff.

Some time would be spent watching Takua collect the Stones, but not too much, as that could get very slow if you followed him around as he trudged around Mata Nui saving Turaga and finding their staffs, all of which managed to get themselves misplaced within the same week. :P

He would put them in Kini Nui and get thrown to the beach, etc, as the camera flies up above Mata Nui as six points of light flash and make for the island. Tahu would climb out, etc etc etc. The events in the Tale of the Toa and the MNOLG would intermingle back and forth, showing the Matoran and Toa's struggle against the Rahi, and Takua's quest to regain his memory. Of course, there would be no suspense in that, as you already know who he is. Perhaps it would be better for him not to lose his memory there?

Several scenes of the Toa Mata searching/finding masks and quarreling would be necessary, but slowly they realize they must work together to get things done. Lewa gets infected etc etc.

The only real problem I foresee is that of choosing which climax to use. There were two different Manas stories, as well as two different Shadow Toa stories. I'm inclined to remove the Manas, as in that scene there was really no character development. An interesting fight, no doubt, but throughout the movie there would be Rahi battles so there's really no point in drawing the Manas scene out.

Of the two Shadow Toa stories I would choose Greg's, as the solution was more interesting and thought provoking.

And of course... the scene with Makuta. Yes, Makuta. Not Teridax. The scene of him as a Matoran/nebulous mass is one of my favorite in Bionicle history. That would be the true climax.
Would two climax-types hurt the movie? Perhaps. Thoughts?

And all throughout the Mangaia battles it would be flashing back to the Chroniclers Company, to make things more interesting and less drawn out. It would end with them combining powers, defeating Makuta, and heading for the surface, as Takua witnesses the awakening of the Bohrok and ascends to the surface. He would land face down in the sand, then he would look up. Que suspenseful LOST-type music. :P
The End.

Other notes: The Cable Car would MOST CERTAINLY be in it. As I want it to be canon.
The idea of Unity, Duty, Destiny would be strongly enforced throughout the film, as would be the Toa's ultimate mission of waking up Mata Nui.


The Bohrok Swarms
Chapter Two
Main characters: Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, Lewa, and Takua.
Main villains: The Bohrok and the Bahrag.

2002 would basically follow the 2002 storyline. I can't really think of anything you could easily add or take away. It would intertwine the stories of Chronicles #2 and the Bohrok animations. (and the comics, as always)

The Toa get some Krana, Lewa get infected, (again) Nuparu makes the Boxor, some Bohrok are smashed, Kopaka finds the nest, they all go into it, find some Exo Toa, fight some Bahrag, turn into Nuva, etc...

The Toa Nuva would emerge and escape the nest. After they arrive on the surface they would have the fight, and the Nuva would split, with Gali calling after them. Shot zooming out through the jungle as she falls to her knees.

It would probably end with the Matoran covering up the Krana holes and using the Bohrok to help rebuild the villages. The Bohrok would suddenly get the call to return to the nest and drop what they were doing and go.
In a darkened room you see red eyes as Makuta talks to himself about releasing his Rahkshi. Something along those lines.
The End.

Other notes: I'm not sure if the Bohrok Kal saga is necessary. I mean, nothing really earth shattering happened in it. The idea of the Nuva being weakened by the split up could be told of in the Mask of Light saga, with the Rahkshi. As far as I can see, the Kal wouldn't really offer any good plot points and it would just be another movie, and since the series would already be long, adding another mostly pointless movie would probably hurt sales more than help. The Vahi could be introduced at the end, in the next movie, or not at all. It's not really a significant plot point.


The Mask of Light
Chapter Three
Main Characters: Toa Nuva, Takua, Hahli, and Jaller.
Main villains: Makuta and the Rahkshi.

This would follow the Mask of Light movie pretty closely in terms of plot, but with better acting, dialogue, and animation. It would of course be longer, with more character development in all the main protagonists. The Nuva's character development from the Kal saga would be transplanted to here.

The beginning and end would be practically the same as in the original movie.

Other notes: I'm not really sure where the Matoran Rebuilding would be put. =/


That's all for now. I'm sure I'll be able to add more later, but I'm getting tired and distracted. 2004-2008 coming soon.


Edit, me, comment #2.

Another thing I was thinking... included in the DVD could be some flash animations that explained more backstory. Cheaper to make than normal animation, so you could have several short stories included for free. :)


Recommended Comments

I just figure always keep the Matoran in one form. Makes things simpler. Takua's quest for the Stones should take as much time as the Great Disks tale was in B2.


Scrap the Kal. Totally unnecessary.


I kinda want the Manas scene =/. I think you could omit the Shadow Toa scene and have the Manas as the final obstacles before Teridax/Makuta. It had a thought provoking ending and all, but the Kaita notion is fairly crucial.

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I kinda want the Manas scene =/. I think you could omit the Shadow Toa scene and have the Manas as the final obstacles before Teridax/Makuta. It had a thought provoking ending and all, but the Kaita notion is fairly crucial.

True, true. This is one of the harder things to decide upon. =/


And on the Toa Stones, yes. That would be about right. Just some quick flashes of the scenes.


Another thing I was thinking... included in the DVD could be some flash animations that explained more backstory. Cheaper to make than normal animation, so you could have several short stories included for free. :)



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You fail because you make Tahu a main character in all of them, and Pohatu doesn't get a chance. :(

I don't like Tahu either, but Pohatu's personality is more that of a supporting character. =/



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Hmm, Nixie starting would be kinda cool. have her speaking the legends to herself, like she's trying to hope for it too happen. then she sees the star, the rest goes as is, until the Manas/Shadow Toa. Manas, the kaita Are worth it. or mess up the story a little, get the toa kaita against the shadow toa.


The Bohrok saga is good, but the Hafu/pohatu/tahnok scene would need to be there.


The Kal are useless. Except for the Vahi, and pohatu covered in Maha Scene. maybe have A kal scene in each extra. Tahu geting the Vahi, Pohatu and the Maha and Wairuha nuva vs Kal Kaita.


The Makuta one is fine.

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Yay, more Nixie screentime! Nice ideas.


But still, I wouldn't get rid of the Kal. They emphasis the "Unity" thing, so I think they should stay. Maybe make their story a bit shorter.

Also, I would love the Irish voice for the Kal.

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or mess up the story a little, get the toa kaita against the shadow toa.

I don't see how that could work.

The Bohrok saga is good, but the Hafu/pohatu/tahnok scene would need to be there.

Of course.



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or mess up the story a little, get the toa kaita against the shadow toa.

I don't see how that could work.

The Bohrok saga is good, but the Hafu/pohatu/tahnok scene would need to be there.

Of course.



Not sure. i'll think about it.



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You fail because you make Tahu a main character in all of them, and Pohatu doesn't get a chance. :(


*Gives seranikai a high-five*

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I don't know if I would go to that, seeing as I would probably just wait for it to be pirated or come on DVD.


But it would be cool, just highly unlikely, seeing it is being based on toys, not many people would come to it, and the film would probably be a financial didaster, especially if it had a good budget.



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Guest kopakanuva13


The idea is pretty sweet. I like the idea a lot, but it would be nice to see the Kal in Chapter 2, even if just for the last ten-twenty minutes, or throughout the entire movie.

Mask of Light would be wicked with improved story and in flash-type animation 8D

EDIT: Or, you could just include the Kal saga as the animation included in the DVD of Chapter 2.

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Comments as I read:



HEY! All of them are main characters! >8O

They played equal roles! >8O

(Except for Tahu being a silly leader).


Manas, more people remember that. And the Makuta battle nice and climatic.

It should end with the Toa talking about working together and defending Mata-Nui, and the last line being, "For Mata-Nui; For Unity...Duty and DESTINY!!"

Then Credits.

Then Post-Credit Secret Scene?

Takua and the Bohrok. =D



Onua saved Lewa.

That makes him a main character. >8O

And Pohatu did that Tahnok scene that everyone remembers.


2003: No Comment.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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1. If you're going to start out with Nixie, include her in the rest of the story as well. Don't leave any loose ends. If you don't include Nixie after this scene, nobody will know what happened to her.

2. Don't scrap Takua losing his memory.

3. Include the Manas and the Shadow Toa. Use Greg's solution for the Shadow Toa.

4. Scrap the Matoran transformation/rebuilding thing.

5. Don't scrap the Bohrok-Kal.

6. Include the Vahi. INCLUDE IT.

7. Give all the Toa Nuva equal roles or I will crash your computer and hunt you down (j/k).

8. Give all the Matoran bigger roles. Hewkii only says one line; Hafu doesn't say anything at all; neither does Macku; Le- and Ko-Matoran aren't seen at all in B1. Fix these things and more, and then we'll talk.

9. This is kind of minor, but there's no way Ga-Koro could beat Po-Koro in Kohli. Make Po-Koro win the Kohli match at the beginning.

10. Yes, this is about four years ahead, but whatever: Don't make Teridax make Karzahni go insane. I like Karzahni. Ever read Harry Potter? Teridax making Karzahni go insane is like a Dementor administrating the Dementors' Kiss on someone.


I think that's all.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Onua doesn't exist?

He does, but as a more supporting character. There will still be scenes and stuff about him, but every story needs to have a focus.

I don't know if I would go to that, seeing as I would probably just wait for it to be pirated or come on DVD.


But it would be cool, just highly unlikely, seeing it is being based on toys, not many people would come to it, and the film would probably be a financial didaster, especially if it had a good budget.





It would be just as good or better than any other animated film. I don't see how it being based off a toy could hurt it much.

The idea is pretty sweet. I like the idea a lot, but it would be nice to see the Kal in Chapter 2, even if just for the last ten-twenty minutes, or throughout the entire movie.

Mask of Light would be wicked with improved story and in flash-type animation 8D

EDIT: Or, you could just include the Kal saga as the animation included in the DVD of Chapter 2.

If the Kal were included in part two, then there would be at least two climaxes. I prefer the idea of including them in a flash short.

Comments as I read:



HEY! All of them are main characters! >8O

They played equal roles! >8O

(Except for Tahu being a silly leader).


Manas, more people remember that. And the Makuta battle nice and climatic.

It should end with the Toa talking about working together and defending Mata-Nui, and the last line being, "For Mata-Nui; For Unity...Duty and DESTINY!!"

Then Credits.

Then Post-Credit Secret Scene?

Takua and the Bohrok. =D



Onua saved Lewa.

That makes him a main character. >8O

And Pohatu did that Tahnok scene that everyone remembers.


2003: No Comment.


[-The Alchemyst-]

True, true, but as I said before, the movie would have to have a focus. And Tahu seems to fit the most. But don't worry, they would all have plenty of screen time and lines. :)




See above.

Que suspenseful LOST-type music. :P













Well, not exactly. That would probably break some copyright laws. :P

You know, the more you anticipate, the more disappointed you'll be when they don't make said films...






These are just ideas. I'm not really expecting anything. :)

1. If you're going to start out with Nixie, include her in the rest of the story as well. Don't leave any loose ends. If you don't include Nixie after this scene, nobody will know what happened to her.

2. Don't scrap Takua losing his memory.

3. Include the Manas and the Shadow Toa. Use Greg's solution for the Shadow Toa.

4. Scrap the Matoran transformation/rebuilding thing.

5. Don't scrap the Bohrok-Kal.

6. Include the Vahi. INCLUDE IT.

7. Give all the Toa Nuva equal roles or I will crash your computer and hunt you down (j/k).

8. Give all the Matoran bigger roles. Hewkii only says one line; Hafu doesn't say anything at all; neither does Macku; Le- and Ko-Matoran aren't seen at all in B1. Fix these things and more, and then we'll talk.

9. This is kind of minor, but there's no way Ga-Koro could beat Po-Koro in Kohli. Make Po-Koro win the Kohli match at the beginning.

10. Yes, this is about four years ahead, but whatever: Don't make Teridax make Karzahni go insane. I like Karzahni. Ever read Harry Potter? Teridax making Karzahni go insane is like a Dementor administrating the Dementors' Kiss on someone.


I think that's all.


- :l: :flagcanada:

1) Very true.


2) Why? It would just be confusing for everyone. The only reason that happened in the game was to make it more interesting from the first person perspective.


3) Wouldn't that make the movie overlong? I dunno. Just a thought.


4) Okay.


5) That's silly. Nothing happened in the Kal saga. It could just be a flash short.


6) It could probably fit in somewhere, but if you didn't have the Kal, it would never really be important. Even in the Metru Nui saga it doesn't play that important of a role.


7) Not completely equal, but they would all have a bunch of screen time. :)


8) Of course. The Matoran are awesome.


9) No, Ga Koro winning was awesome. With all of Hahli's training it was possible. :)


10) I was thinking of cutting Karzahni completely. True, he was a cool character, but never really a main one. He would have to be one of those sad cuts, like Krahka.



Edit: Thanks for all the feedback, guys. :)

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