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Sleepovers And No Sleeping, Mhhh...

Lady Kopaka


*You will not believe how many times today I have tried to post this:*


*Sniff* I wrote a nice long entry earlier, then my sister kicks me off while its still loading....An hour later I figure out I got a Board Message and it never worked. ;_; So tis' I be rewriting this.


Ok, I got to go to the sleepover (Thank goodness), even though I was 3 hours late because mom wanted me to do chores and to finish up some school, then of course my sister was coming as she was already going to be late as she had soccer practice.


So anyway, I get there and eat some dinner, we hang out for a moment and talk for a awhile, get situated, then we decide to have a random contest: To see who can die the coolest.


So, I partner up with my friend Tori, and she dressing up as 'her' all famous Barney (Long story, will explain later). I steal her ring (LotR one), she chokes me, I die. :P

With no surprise of course, we lost and had to do the chicken dance...In the middle of the road.


After that, we get to watch Larry Boy and the Bad Apple, which I must say that episode was REALLY COOL. My favorite Larry Boy one, and of course, Alfred owns you....I need to get him as my avatar.


By then its late, and so we all head outside, and start setting up things in the tent we are sleeping in, watch another Veggietales or two, then we read some of our stories we were working on, and after that we all start randomly walking around outside.


I was missing our old habit of playing around, (Like playing LotR, Star Wars, etc) So did my other few friends. So we decided to play Pirates of the Caribbean, for the first few moments it was awkward, but after awhile it was really fun. Our other friends thought we were being very immature and silly, but com'on! We have 3 years left to be young and foolish. I don't want to grow up to fast. :lol: Anyway, its just like acting, just without an audience, or your not recording it.


By 2 in the morning we finally go to sleep, and wake up around 8. Eat food, talk....And then take group pictures of us, wearing goofy hats and actually being serious! XD


Nothing much happened after that save for talking....But I can't wait for next month’s sleepover!




On the note of what’s going on Internet wise, I am entering AC12, I personally think the theme is good. Confusing, but good. I also believe I have an idea that might work out....


And also trying to decide if I should use Acrylic Paints or CG it.... (No more color pencils for the moment, I need to try some new things)


Finished a request and got another one ready to show, along with another picture or two. So expect an art update within the week or so. :)


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No one sleeps in sleepovers. Get with the times, K-Girl! You have to stay up all night, otherwise it is an anti-sleepover, which is actually a sleeping sleepover, but a normal sleepover is anti-sleeping. See? Geeeeez.



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Whenever my friend Issac has a birthday sleepover we always stay up till morning. And then when I go back home I sleep all day. And to tell the truth, I don't think I have enough time to be a kid. I act like an 11 year old kid most of the time. And I didn't see your explanation for the death game thing in the entry....

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You still play imaginary games?




So do I. I don't and refuse to believe that imaginary games are for little kids :)


Looks like you had fun.

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Don't you know? They're called sleeplessovers. :P


Veggietales? Oh, you lucky! My friends don't watch it. *Sniff.*


The Chicken Dance in the middle of the road? How can you be enjoying the last three years of your youth and yet throw away your life in such a dangerous way? :P


Actually, you never get too old to play. My mom is proof of that. :happy:


*Hugs Larry plushie.*


By the way, I like your character in your bio.




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Mr. Eh, how could you? They're not "imaginary games". I like how Laky describes them - acting without an audience. It's fun to the ponage. Zorze.

Hm.. Pone Zorze. He'll have to be an accomplice to Obone Knob.

Neeways, my friends and I have taken that pastime to the nextreme. There's a park beside our neighborhood in which we like to navigate the woods of. Over the years, we've developed an entire realm inspired from that park and the strange things in our imaginations. It's gotten very, VERY in-depth. It is the Nation of Ip.

But that's not all we do. Most of the time, one of us will say something out of nowhere and the others will play along.

Take these transcripts of actual conversations:

Stephen (Me): *whispering in Drawing class, but very loudly* Sabrina!
Sabrina: *whispering back, just as loudly* What?
Stephen: ... ... ... The wind is in my pocket (a favorite phrase of mine).
Sabrina: Really?
Stephen: Yeah.
Sabrina: Can I have some?
Stehpen: Sure!
*digs hands into pocket, forms a fist, places fist into her fist, she places her fist itno her pocket*
Sabrina: Yay, now I have windy pockets!

David: Whoa! These newtons are great!
Stephen: That's some serious figgage, dude.

Or the time we had a very serious and in-depth conversation at lunch about how bobby pins can get you out of absolutely any situation.

Us: What if you forgot your homework?
Chizzie: Well, I'd write it real fast by dipping my bobby pin in ink.
Us: What if your computer froze?
Chizzie: I'd warm it up by rubbing my bobby pin on it.
Us: What if your house burned down?
Chizzie: I'd build a new one out of bobby pins.
Us: What if you were kidnapped by hostages?
Chizzie: I'd use the bobby pin to pick the lock of the can they were carrying me in.
Us: Who's to say it's a van? What if it's... a.. covered wagon?
Chizzie: Well, I'd rip a hole out of the tarp with my bobby pin.
Us: What if.. you... pushed a button that blew up the world?
Chizzie: Well, I'd blame it on my bobby pin.

And so on, to cover an entire lunch period.

Chizzie's an interesting person. While playing rummy, she once couldn't find her sandwich of a roll, a spicy chicken strip and gravy. She assumed, "Oh, I ate it!" A few minutes went by before she discovered the sandwich was in her hand the whole time.

As embarrassing as that was for her, I'll admit I've been scared-the-wits-out-of by a very tiny dog, then again, then a third time.

Whoa, I'm tangenting. It's just Laky has a good skill of saying something I relate to.

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*Notices Lady K's picture* Is it just me or did that Ringwraith get fired from his job at Mount Doom? :blink:

Chicken Dance? In the middle of the road?! You must play on the edge am I right?

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Core D, they're imaginary games, but that doesn't mean you're not acting ;) Fine, fine.


'AWA'. Happy? :P And Turakii, it's not sleeplessovers, it's sleepovers.




Cos sleep is over.

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