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Another Copout Updates Entry




Random thunks:

1) RPG skeletal version main programming is DONE! I just completed the full test play yesterday, and we are currently fixing a few major errors. We are aiming for putting it online this weekend. Maybe even tomorrow morning (if not, Sunday).

It'sa gonnabe fun, man!

2) I posted another one of those annoying staffie rant topics. Please read it. :P Evidence, Not "proof", Needed for Theories.

3) I know, I know, the S&T contest results topic is late. Bear with me -- I expect to have that up Monday. Premptive congrats to all the winners! :)

And you can look forward sometime much later to a presentation Swert and I have been planning for the Expanded Universe side of the contest. :)

4) Not sure how soon exactly, but the next S&T contest will launch in the later months of 2008. And readers of this boringly-titled blog entry get a special heads-up. :lookhere:

The contest will be titled, "Bionicle Time Capsule." :ziplip: This will not be another officialness-contest -- this will be you folks competing for the best memoriam presentations of all eight years of the first chapter of Bionicle, as we draw closer to the close. Most likely I'll post a rules announcement at least a month or maybe two before the actual entry period, so everybody can get a chance to prepare and also involve stuff from the end of 2008.

Most likely, the contest itself will mostly run in 2009. Right now, prizes aren't established and I'm not sure if we'll have, say, three winners or just one or maybe a little more, whatnot.

One thing I can say for sure -- there will be no categories in the rules. Whatever format you guys can produce will be allowed, though there might be limits on just how in-depth you can go, since a Time Capsule in real life has limits like that. Idea is for short and to-the-point stuff. Categories might be assigned when entry period closes for purposes of poll arrangement, not sure yet.

Those of you lucky enough to have just read the above can get a bit of a head start. :)


Recommended Comments

For the S&T contest, there was a tie for third and a tie for fourth. My presumption is that the two tiers for the third will get third and fourth, but what of the then tie for fifth? Would they have a voting thing in your blog?
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For the S&T contest, there was a tie for third and a tie for fourth. My presumption is that the two tiers for the third will get third and fourth, but what of the then tie for fifth? Would they have a voting thing in your blog?

Yeah... I've been wondering that, seeing as me and Dorek tied for fifth... Do we both get storyline places?

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