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A Sad Death And Major Bionicle.com Updates



Monday, September 4, 2006


Bad news coming out of Austrailia today. "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin has sadly died at age 44. He was in the midst of filming a documentary off the Great Barrier Reef when he was killed in a freak stingray accident. Stingrays are naturally passive; and in that area of the world, deaths caused by stingrays are almost unheard of; but, when threatened, stingrays will lash out with a toxic, sometimes 10-inch barb on the tops of their tails. Steve was filming a documentery off the Great Barrier Reef when he got spined by a stingray -- a very rare occurence. The spine went under his ribcage and straight into his heart, killing him. Steve had many close friends in his work and a family, so this is most tragic.

IPB Image

On a happier note, there have been MAJOR updates to Bionicle.com! Three new "articles" in the top news section sum it all up.

There's a cool new quality animation, much like the ones made for the Toa Hordika and the Mask of Life animations but made by a different company. The good thing this time is that it never freezes up right in the middle! Remember that image with Reidak and Piruk that BZP received earlier this year? This is the animation it was eluding to. The animation is quite beyond any style that Bionicle has done before, and it was hard to follow the story (if it was even trying to have one). It's main purpose sees to be to showcase the Piraka in action (including giving them powers that they don't even have). What's kinda cool is that there are a couple of mini-games within the movie. It's pretty lengthy, too -- it's not one of those little animations that's over before you know it.

There's seven new quicktime videos in the movies section, too! Some of them are way too short, and all of them are commercials. The wierdest one would definitely be the Piraka Stronghold commercial (you'll see). What's really awesome is that we finally see Brutaka, Axonn, Vezon, and Fenrakk all in CG!

Ignition #2 is finally online now, given "animations" just like the last one. Nothing too big there. Already read the comic.

But why are you actually reading some stupid description written by some random BZPier? Go check it out!

Have an awesome Labor Day! :happydance: No school rules!


Recommended Comments

Well, at least there is one good thing.

He died when he was making the kind of program he has been making for a long time now.

So, he must have died happy.

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