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I "need" An Ipod



Abstract: I "need" an iPod so I have more space for all of my songs. I'm looking into the Nano or Touch, depending on price during a sale and my winter paycheck. Below is listed my thoughts on both types and uses/needs in an MP3 player, among other things going through my head when deciding what to get. I'd love your thoughts on what kind you use and how you manage your music.


My current 2 GB MP3 player is full with less than 800 songs. OK, it's served me less than a year. The main reason I got it over an iPod or any other player is because it was the only one with a replacable AAA battery, for I had heard that the rechargable ones lost their charge after use. (I have come to realize that while this is true, when used properly this shouldn't happen until the device is a few years old and is in need for an upgrade or replacing the battery (it is possible) shouldn't be a shash in the wallet.)


The battery problem was one of the biggest reasons I was avoiding an iPod. (The second was iTunes, but then I found out that those songs can be burned to CD and then made into MP3 if needed.)


My fears being diminished, I realized that if I was going to get a new, bigger MP3 player, it might as well be an iPod. They have an extensive, trustworthy history and are easy to use. (Except they are a little pricey.)


This is where you, fellow readers, come in.


I started looking at the Nano--something in my price range. Then about a week later Apple released the new one and I fell in love. Not only does it look good, but the price is good too. (As for pricing, I'll probably be buying it on December 26 to take advantage of any sales. There's an Apple store in the same mall as my Lego Store.) For ~$200 I can get a 16 GB which should hold my songs for years to come.


Then a friend brought to my attention the iPod Touch, something I had only dreamed about because of the price. The new 8 GB is too small, IMO, but I'll get to songs and file-sizes later. For ~$300 I can get a 16 GB iPod Touch. The biggest feature on this for me is the Wi-Fi, for almost everywhere but the dorms have wireless internet on campus. I'd use it at least to the end of college. The touch feature is also amazing along with all the other applications. (Oh, I haven't tried actually checking out music. I assume it's just as easy as an iPod.)


Another friend told me that for more than a Nano but less than a Touch I could get an iPod Classic--~$250 for 120 GB of music (and video and pix of course) storage AND it can serve as a portable hard drive. Very tempting.


In summary, I'm thinking about the Nano with the Touch in mind (and very hopefully obtaining) and still playing with the idea of the Classic.


-CF :kakama:


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Ipod Videos are good, though I'm pretty sure they ain't in production anymore. Or that new, fancy Ipod nano, which i'm getting soon. Orangeness... :drooling:
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Ipod Videos are good, though I'm pretty sure they ain't in production anymore. Or that new, fancy Ipod nano, which i'm getting soon. greenness... :drooling:

Fixed. :D


(So there is one other advantage of the Nano. I get to choose the color.)



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The iPod nano is good. I have an 8G one that I got in February and I've had no problems at all with it. It is exponentially less glitchy than its counterparts from past generations. :)
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I guess it depends on what you want to use it for. Your own portable Internet assess thing? Pocket television? Or digitalized mobile cassette player? Most of those things could probably be found in cell phones nowadays.


I like my iPod (which only has 300 songs... how can you have so much music? :blink: ) but I am having difficulties with the software upgrades and such, which means that although Apple is topping the MP3 player market, they're not flawless.



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I guess it depends on what you want to use it for. Your own portable Internet assess thing? Pocket television? Or digitalized mobile cassette player? Most of those things could probably be found in cell phones nowadays.


I like my iPod (which only has 300 songs... how can you have so much music? :blink: ) but I am having difficulties with the software upgrades and such, which means that although Apple is topping the MP3 player market, they're not flawless.



I have 800 songs ever since I started caring about music and buying CD's in 9th grade. So that's 800 songs over 4 years...about 200 songs a year. I didn't buy them all. Some I bought, some were gifts, others from my brother's CD's, and every now and then random songs from friends.

Sticking with this number, then by the end of each year:

(end of) 2008: 900

2009: 1100

2010: 1300

2011: 1500

2012 (& graduated): 1700


The iPod website said that an 8 GB will hold 1750-2000 songs, depending on the player and assuming 4 minute songs. Looks like right now I just reach that, but I get worried because my current player (Creative MuVo, very good player) said it could hold 1000 songs. Maybe I could live with an 8 GB player, but that's not assuming I put videos and pictures on it, which I will certainly do.



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I guess it depends on what you want to use it for. Your own portable Internet assess thing? Pocket television? Or digitalized mobile cassette player? Most of those things could probably be found in cell phones nowadays.


I like my iPod (which only has 300 songs... how can you have so much music? :blink: ) but I am having difficulties with the software upgrades and such, which means that although Apple is topping the MP3 player market, they're not flawless.



I have 800 songs ever since I started caring about music and buying CD's in 9th grade. So that's 800 songs over 4 years...about 200 songs a year. I didn't buy them all. Some I bought, some were gifts, others from my brother's CD's, and every now and then random songs from friends.

Sticking with this number, then by the end of each year:

(end of) 2008: 900

2009: 1100

2010: 1300

2011: 1500

2012 (& graduated): 1700


The iPod website said that an 8 GB will hold 1750-2000 songs, depending on the player and assuming 4 minute songs. Looks like right now I just reach that, but I get worried because my current player (Creative MuVo, very good player) said it could hold 1000 songs. Maybe I could live with an 8 GB player, but that's not assuming I put videos and pictures on it, which I will certainly do.



I have roughly 5000 songs on my computer, and I have a 30GB iPod classic (second-to-last gen). My songs, plus pictures and videos only take up 23GB of my iPod. It's served me well the 9 months I've had it, and I can't imagine going anywhere without it.

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I have roughly 5000 songs on my computer, and I have a 30GB iPod classic (second-to-last gen). My songs, plus pictures and videos only take up 23GB of my iPod. It's served me well the 9 months I've had it, and I can't imagine going anywhere without it.

Good point. The Classic will last me a very long time. All I'd probably have to worry about is the battery, but that can be replaced.


Though I could go for the 16 GB and 4000 song Touch which could last me while, but that space might be filled up eventually with pictures and video and applications, whereas the Classic is a portable hard drive, but with the Touch I can surf the web.


You have a very good point about the Classic. Unless it cannot handle the latest software/updates, it probably would last me a while.



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I'm using an 8gig nano (last years model), I've had it since April and have since filled it with music. It may or may not be worth noting that I have all my songs compressed to 96kbps AAC rather than the 128kbps AAC standard, to save space and allow me to store more music, but that's just a personal preference. I'm a huge fan of the nano, they work great.


The touch looks good and is a nice alternative, with many, many more features than the nano for a slightly higher price. Personally I'd stick with the nano since I don't really need all the extra features of the touch, but I do think that a touch would be nice to have.

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I bought a black Nano 8gig this summer from some early birthday money.

Love it.


Now if I could only get my hands on a Hot Rod themed protector.

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