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Chuck Norris Facts



Chuck Norris has seven kids.


Chuck Norris wrote a book.


Chuck Norris's 100th birthday is next December.


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Lots of people fear the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper fears Chuck Norris.


"Tough" people eat nails for breakfast. Chuck Norris does all his grocery shopping at home improvement stores.


Most scientists have jumped to the conclusion that nothing can travel faster than energy. Chuck Norris can outrun a beam of light without even trying.


If the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union had turned into an actual war, Chuck Norris would be the winner.


If Chuck Norris had a dollar for every ninja he killed, he would be the richest man on Earth.


Chuck Norris is the only thing capable of withstanding a Falcon Punch; thus solving the question of what happens if an unstoppable force impacts an unbreakable barrier.



That's all I can think of off the top of my head...






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Who is Chuck Norris?


Chuck Norris is just a really cool karate guy who stars in movies and shows. :P They exxagerate how strong he is. :)


Chuck Norris is so fast he can run around the worl and punch himself in the back of the head!

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Chuck Norris has not starred in a good movie since... ever.

Chuck Norris shilled out for Bowflex.

Chuck Norris owes all his fame to the internet.

Every time Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks anything, he needs to put on A535. Because he's 68 years old.

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Chuck Norris has not starred in a good movie since... ever.

Chuck Norris shilled out for Bowflex.

Chuck Norris owes all his fame to the internet.

Every time Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks anything, he needs to put on A535. Because he's 68 years old.

The only true facts so far.


Gryphus 1

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Chuck Noris can drown a Fish.
Chuck Noris killed two stones with one Bird. :P
This is fun!

Uh, fish CAN drown, dude. I could drown a fish if I wanted.
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