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I've Been Duped!



Yeah, I'm moving into my dorm room tomorrow. Summer is officially over. :(


*Is aware that most people have already been at school for weeks now, and anyway, my summer wasn't that great*


But that's not the point.


I contacted my roommate... briefly. Just shared a few paragraphs with each other on what we're like. So far, I don't think we absolutely hate each other... but you find that out in person. (Yeah, I dealt with that last year, that little ###### of a dude.)


Then, tonight, I get another e-mail. It's from a Japanese exchange student saying he'll be moving into the dorm room on Friday.




I'm like, WHAT THE KARZAHNI! I already have a roommate. This dude must have gotten the wrong e-mail, even though I doubt there are many others who have xccj in theirs (yes, for the record, my official school e-mail has my user name in it)


Then I got to thinking... as hard as that is for me. I've been hearing stories about how the dorms filled up too quickly this year, and how some people may not have housing up there. So its feasible that they changed my double into a triple. Yeah, and I can handle it. I'm not Mr. Social, but I can usually get along... plus I'll be the oldest.


Now I'll divert my anger to those who deserve it... Housing and Food Department. I'm not sure what it's like on other campuses, but HFS here is a big con artist working for the school. I've had to pay stupid fine things to them way too much, often for things that were their fault. (Example: Last day of school, we have a food card with money on it that doesn't transfer. I go to great efforts to spend every last penny on my car, as to not lose the money. Then... oops, they accidentally[/u] added $40 extra dollars to every body's accounts that day, and by the time they took it off (the next day) I had already spent it without realizing it. Then it's all, "Sorry, our mistake, you owe us now". ARRRGGG!!)


The fact that I'm getting an e-mail from a new guy the day before I move in is bad communication from them. I should've received an e-mail from them a week ago alerting me that this could happen (or even will happen). But instead I'm left in a state of confusion not knowing who's right, who's wrong, and who's gonna show up in my room. (Like seriously, a double room is built for two people. If a third person is just thrown in, I might not have room for some of the cool stuff I brought along. And I'm not even talking LEGO Bricks... I'm not bringing any LEGO Bricks) Also, a double room is about $1000 (per year) more than a triple... so if I now have to deal with two other people instead of just one, I want my money back.


I'm also angry that I forgot to do my laundry and now have to stay up all night finishing it off, but seriously, this take the cake. [/rant]


BTW, scroll down and read my Photok review. :bigsmile:




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Maybed duped isn't the right word... I dunno, I wasn't at my best last night when I wrote this.


Turns out, my original guy changed rooms or something so they placed an exchange student in instead. Which is cool... at least I won't have to argue with a guy who's bound to oppose me about the election (yes, I have real opinions about it. And as much as I would like to argue and tell the opposite side they are TOTAL FAIL I won't because this is BZP)


So, yes, I'm in a double room. Which is how I like it. More room for my TV. :bigsmile:



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Slightly bigger than my laptop monitor. :P Like 17"


It's HD, so it'll work past February... assuming the school switches to HD. :sarcastic:



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