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Moc Progress



I bought myself a Mindstorms NXT last week (actually, the wife paid for it, but I'll pay for it in oh so many little ways). First thing was to build "Alpha Rex" and get it to do something. Kinda boring, actually, although an interesting build. I really like the new sensors and motors, there's a ton of potential with them.


After building ol' Rex, I had halfhearted notions of slapping some Bionicle pieces on it and posting a "moc" of Bionicle Rex but I decided against it, for some reason. It's the thought that counts though, right?


But looking at the long off-white Technic liftarm beams (studdless), I realized they're just what I've been waiting for on another MOC that's been prototyped for about 2 years now. So I tore it apart and updated the rainbow parts with white, off-white, and light gray (no bley). It's not complete, but it's certainly much closer.


Hopefully, I'll have several MOCs done in time for NW BrickCon being held in Seattle next month. But right after that, there's another project getting started that I'll be eyeball-deep in, so... so much for that elusive "free time" concept.


At least I've gotten through most of my email, with a couple of exceptions. Now to get on the backlog of several hundred PMs...


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Yay! We have an NXT source!


You know, you should post a topic in Lego GD with a review. I know I'm wondering about it...


I thought about something productive to make with it if I get it, something that would carry drinks/chips to another room if you're having a party or something.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Now you just need to build a 1:1 scale moc of that that converts pirated

satellite signals into shows that star minifigs[/cool dude]


Well, I can't wait to see your MoCs, binky. Loved the Stargate!!!


~GN (Y)

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It's the thought that counts though, right?
Nope, thoughts are like posts: they only count when they're practical. Maybe you should reconsider the Bionicle Rex MOC. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Guest Wobo Ihi


Nope, thoughts are like posts: they only count when they're practical. Maybe you should reconsider the Bionicle Rex MOC. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


Go build us some robots, Bink. Good luck with the NWBrickCon and all that.

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