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The Love Of Wisdom

ToM Dracone


I swear, my class was not that titchy last year when we were Freshmen.


Really, we weren't! Half of their class are so small... (No offense to any Freshmen who may be reading this.) And meanwhile, I have to get used to the fact that the Sophomores are now Juniors and the Juniors are the Seniors. When people don't change much over the summer, it's immensely difficult to picture them being a grade higher.


... And yes, that includes myself. Being a Sophomore is weird. Mainly in having a class below us after being the youngest for a year. And that half of my friends were Sophomores last year and are now Juniors. There are three new girls in my class, but a bunch of old students left (thankfully including almost everyone I didn't like).


Otherwise, this year looks to be interesting in terms of classes. (Note that everything today was only about 15 minutes due to Orientation day schedule.) Latin remains my favorite – we still have Dr. Jones and our class is mostly the same, minus people who left the school, one who dropped the subject, and a couple who take it at a different time due to their schedules. But when we walked into the room, we almost all took exactly the same seats as we had last year, and it was as if we had never left. Sort of freaky, but much fun, as we started translating various Roman tombstone inscriptions that Dr. Jones had assembled for us. And which I continued after class, even though he said we didn't have to do them for homework.


The Biology teacher isn't evil like I thought he was, although he is strict, which was the only side of him I saw last year (not having a class with him). As Biology is one of my favorite subjects, this is good. Our textbook is huge, though.


French III was good – our class is loads smaller than it was last year, which is fine by me. But what was best was that I learned that we're covering all the rest of French grammar this year – the rest of the subjunctive and an overview of the passé simple, which are the two things I don't know. I want to drop French after this year so I have room in my schedule for Art (completely full right now because of two languages), but my mom doesn't want me to. Nn.


The final class of note was Advanced Algebra – a combination of Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus in one year, although our textbook is labelled only the latter. And is also intimidatingly huge. We also got calculators of the TI-84 variety, which are swell. The teacher had something of an "Everything you know is wrong" introduction to it, although "Everything you know is actually something else" might be more accurate. As in that multiplying binomials is exactly the same as multiplying two two-digit numbers. He then proceeded to give us a sheet of complicated Algebra problems for homework without the slightest instruction of how to do them. Fun. ^^


English II and World History II lacked anything of note, although I maintain that Catcher in the Rye is the worst book I've ever read. Bleh. I have a new teacher for History; I'd much rather have had the one from last year (but she's retiring this year, so her classes are split with the new teacher).


The day finished with most of the Sophomore class removing to the fields, where we played what was described as "the laziest game of soccer ever." Which meant it was fun, as some of us just stood around and were interference. I also almost literally ran into various 11th-grade friends at the end of the day, which was quite fun.


Quote of the day:

Leigh Ann: *holds up one of Ali's crutches to her face* "This has the exact spacing of a Tiki mask."

Brook: "You are, like, the only person who would say that."


– ToM

1 Comment

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Well, your first day went well then! What was with all that screaming in that last post, then?


Though, I must say, your description of Latin class intrigued me tons.



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