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Darn You, Nintendo

Turaga Dlakii


Fire Emblem 11... Pokémon Platinum... that new Kirby game... so many upcoming new DS games I want... :br:


They'd better not all be released here at the same time, or I'll be very annoyed. I don't know which I like more, other than the Kirby game being third preference...


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FE11 and Platinum won't be out for a while here. I have no idea when KSSU is coming out here, but it should be soon.

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FE11 and Platinum won't be out for a while here. I have no idea when KSSU is coming out here, but it should be soon.


I knew that - indeed, given what happened with Radiant Dawn, we won't be getting Shin Ankoku Ryuu until this time next year - but just as long as they don't all get Australian releases at the same time, I'm happy.

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Not so shure about Pokemon or Kirby (Pink Puffballs...) but I am definetly gonna get Fire Emblem XI once it comes out, Fire Emblem... :drooling:


But in the mean time I'll just get all these other games to occupy me... :wakeup2:

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Well, at least there's good things coming out for your system. The Wii doesn't have any goo games coming out.


And that had better change some time soon...


Not so shure about Pokemon or Kirby (Pink Puffballs...) but I am definetly gonna get Fire Emblem XI once it comes out, Fire Emblem... :drooling:


But in the mean time I'll just get all these other games to occupy me... :wakeup2:


It's all good; they all own. It's just that Fire Emblem owns more. :P


Pink puffballs that can eat stuff and gain their powers. Ever seen Captain Falcon Kirby in the Smash Bros games?

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Mega Man 9?

Wario Land: Shake It?


Both are good Wii games that have come out recently/are coming out soon, depending on where you live.



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