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How To Post A Topic

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


How to Post a Topic in Seven Easy Steps.


(Kids, don't try this at forum.)



1. Think up a good topic. For example, "I like Bionicle," "I can fly," "this is a topic," or "look what my foot can do!"


2. Hit "new topic."


3. Type your main sentence in the title box.


4. Now, the sub-title. Put in "close if dupe." It makes the Moderators happy. :)


5. Type "title says all" in the post box. Make sure you use bad spelling, so everyone realizes you're an expert at forum-speak.


6. Hit "post new topic" six or seven times, just to make sure it went through.


7. Don't check back in your topic. When you do, it makes you look newbish.





P.S. A unique name for LK: Akapok Ydal


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I only say "Title says all" because, seriously, the title says all that I have to say. I don't have anything more to say, seeing as I don't give good opinions. I prefer to hear other people's opinions. And I'm not to newbish....

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Strange, because people were using your guide before you even put it in your blog. o_0

They're psychic. :P


I only say "Title says all" because, seriously, the title says all that I have to say. I don't have anything more to say, seeing as I don't give good opinions.

It more applies to when a title reads, "How do you post a topic about gl"


I do #2 #3 sometime's #5.

I always do 2 and 3. :blink: Strange, huh?


#5 is not good for Artwork or library topics.


Would that make you "Iikarut"?

Sure, Ukcam!




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