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One Thing That Was Accomplished

ToM Dracone


This happens annoyingly often; I get caught up doing other things and homework and posting a blog entry gets left until I'm about to go to bed...


In today's case, I spent most of the afternoon at a friend's house with much of the rest of my grade, preparing for our skit on Thursday. And also eating pizza. And four of us went out to Michael's (the store) to get supplies halfway through, which was fun because we did all sorts of crazy stuff. And walked around the store squawking "Streamers!" constantly as we were looking for such.


Anyway, the point of this entry is Hunger, a short story I wrote a couple weeks ago. It's somewhat experimental like The Iron Ghost was, though in a different way. This time there's only one line of dialogue, and the focus is on events and later on how well I could project the image of the Makuta that I had through a story...


So I'd love it if you went and checked it out, and of course reviews are always nice. Wrote it over a few evenings in the course of about a week, starting with 900 words in one night on a stroke of inspiration. :3

~ ToM


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Yeah, most of my blog entries come late at night too, sometimes (like now) when I know I should be doing homework.


I read the story, as you will soon see, and acted accordingly, as you will soon see.



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Why can't I write like that? :( I need bursts of inspiration.


Well, I read it the day you released it - I just haven't had time to post yet. I will soon though!



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