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Where Are They Now?



In this special edition episode of Titans Tower, we focus on the lives of the characters of the Code Lyoko RPG fifteen years after it ends.






Jon went on to become a champion wrestler and married the daughter of a billionaire software executive.


Andy graduated college and now works for Jon's software company as an assistant programmer. He has four cats, Larry, Curly, Moe, and Bootsie.


Rose, Tobias, and Annet remained fast friends, but bad luck continued to follow them. After numerous broken bones, concussions, and falling pianos, they were finally caught in a horrible train wreck and died.


Drake went on to host a revamped "Punk'd". From there, he became a great MTV celebrity. His current number of divorces is 7, with an eighth in progress as of this writing.


Zach fell into bad habits of drugs and drinking. He died of an accidental overdose at age 17.


Ray Bishop went on to become a social worker in Chicago, specializing in anger management.


Meg Griff dropped out of high school in her senior year and moved to a nudist colony.


Rob Ogden was thrown into an insane asylum. When asked about his experience as a Lyoko Warrior, all he said was "I should have acted when I had the chance" over and over again.


Shinn Ishiyama entered Harvard to study law, and is now a reigning Supreme Court Justice.


Rho was lobotomized in an accident involving whipped cream, two plastic sporks, and Mudkips.


Athrun studied martial arts for ten years before entering Hollywood. Critics laud him as "The next Chuck Norris, only tougher."


Ben vanished off the face of the Earth.


Aria continued to be plagued by severe heart attacks for the rest of her life. Surprisingly, she hasn't died yet, to the chagrin of many scientists and doctors.


James, after much reflection and soul-searching, finally admitted his sexuality to himself. He currently lives in Idaho with his life partner, Franklin.


EJ was struck by lightning, which was accompanied by a thunderous voice. The exact words said are not known at this time. Many are still holding onto the belief that he will manage to show up out of nowhere.


Duncan got his hair caught in some heavy machinery during a field trip in a silverware factory. RIP, Duncan. May your soul rest in fewer pieces than your body.



This concludes our "Where are they now?" segment of Titans Tower.


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I love it!


XD I literally laughed out loud (lol'd) at parts.

I know you did. Especially the parts that didn't get posted here.

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Meh. Duncan's was pretty predictable. I feel cheated.:P


XD at the rest though. Do want to hear more about Rob's. You'll have to tell me more tomorrow on AIM.



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Also, where's Kae? Due to becoming a temp admin for another RPG I haven't entered it, but I thought I asked Robo to play as him for me...

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Also, where's Kae? Due to becoming a temp admin for another RPG I haven't entered it, but I thought I asked Robo to play as him for me...



whoops. Yeah, forgot to do that :P If Teebs or Taki would send me the profile, I shall do it!

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