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Condon Hall





Condon Hall is a building on campus where they have classes. It is conveniently located right across the street from the south dorm buildings.


I live in the north dorm buildings.


Now I have to cross campus... a 20 minute excursion... early in the morning every day to get to my math class there.


It's ironic because when I signed up for the class, it was closer. They changed buildings on me.


I am going to die this quarter. :annoyed2:




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Maybe you should get your bike....

:P :P :P



But I don't like byciclists! Becoming one would be hyprocritical. (Besides, my current bike is a mess (like the breaks haven't works in years) and I have no money to buy a new one (cause I spent it all on a TV)


I totally misread the title

Oh, did you think I was talking about the town of Condon. (Because there is a town with that name... freaky!)


Or did you mean... :ziplip:



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Maybe you should get your bike....

:P :P :P



But I don't like byciclists! Becoming one would be hyprocritical. (Besides, my current bike is a mess (like the breaks haven't works in years) and I have no money to buy a new one (cause I spent it all on a TV)



I know. I was hoping you would realize that is the entry I was talking about through my :P's and the italicized words....

(Well, I guess you did figure it out.)


Your loss....



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Maybe you should get your bike....

:P :P :P



But I don't like byciclists! Becoming one would be hyprocritical. (Besides, my current bike is a mess (like the breaks haven't works in years) and I have no money to buy a new one (cause I spent it all on a TV)



I know. I was hoping you would realize that is the entry I was talking about through my :P's and the italicized words....

(Well, I guess you did figure it out.)


Your loss....



I just need to put a stick through the spokes of somebody to get it out of my system...


Rest in peace.

Aw man, my death is accepted way too quickly.




*Why don't they have a skull emoticon?*



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