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Weekly Update - 9/26

Black Six



No blog-posting programs tonight. Apparently using them means my entries don't get sent to the RSS feed, so we'll have to do some more research into that. But anyway, here's this week's update.



First off, check out this news story and go vote in the RPG Contest Final Poll. Then you can start playing in the RPGs come Monday once the polls close and the winners have been chosen.


Aside from that, a missing Forum Leader, Than: Matoran of Anger, has returned now that life has calmed down somewhat for him. Be sure to say hello if you see him!


We're still working on the new ranks.


We should have another review up tomorrow, a returning character in new form (gee isn't that a dead giveaway :P).



1. Have you ever heard of/watched Chad Vader?


2. Which is better, Borg or Klingon?


3. Who wrote the song, "I Owe It All To You" ?


4. Do I strike any chord in your memory whatsoever?

1. Yes, I've seen a video or two.

2. We are the Borg, we will assimilate you.

3. No idea.

4. Not offhand.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that wraps it up for tonight, see you all next week!


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