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Analogies - A Lesson On What Not To Do



From a "Mistika are bad" topic:

If people hadn't "complained" that men would someday walk on the moon,we would never had started space exploration.


And if Rosa Parks hadn't "complained" about racism, african americans would still be sitting on the back of a bus.

@"Point" 1: That wasn't complaining. That wasn't close to complaining. That was about something larger than a kid's toy. Aka THE MOON.


@"Point" 2: See, here's the problem. BIONICLE is a line of toys meant to sell. The storyline is meant to encourage sales, and acts as a marketing technique. You have the option to follow the story. You have the option to buy a set that you like this year. You have the option not to.


Racism, on the other hand, is a belief that a certain race or ethnicity is better than another, usually based on something ridiculous like skin color or accent or language or culture. It's often expressed through discrimination, restriction, and violence. But can't opt out of it. You can't just say "Sorry, I don't really like this. Can you stop?" and fix it.


Which brings me to my point: If you make an analogy, stop to think about the things you're comparing. If you're saying "X is like Y", ask yourself which you'd rather have: X or Y. If you know which one you'd choose before you even finish with your thought, then you'd probably be better toning it down a bit. If it actually takes a bit of thought, then it's probably okay.


So now the question. Which would you rather have: Mistika or racism?



Also, this post pretty mush sums up my thoughts:

IT. . .IS. . .A. . .TOY. . .

That is it. It is meant to sell as one, and that is what it does best. Lego doesn't give a rip if a disgruntled twelve year old doesn't like that a shade of red changed, or if his weapon isn't what he wanted.


If you don't like it, don't buy it. But all of this complaining is completely bogus. If this is all people can think about to complain about, then gee-whiz life must be great! No politics, no war, no poverty, just TAHU WITH A SPINNING THING.

Having one or two of these topics a year is enough, but seeing two a week from different people is just ridiculous.



lol essay


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Has more than one person made such comparisons? Seems like one to me.... :/



Well I've seen someone comparing Mistika to Herpes, Yu Gi Oh! to cancer…


It's just focusing on one instance to make my point.

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^100% agreement.



This is why I hate America as it is; we've become so overprotective of small children, they think that racism is as bad as a set they don't like, or a TV show their not fond of as bad as something that has killed people I know. ><

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Has more than one person made such comparisons? Seems like one to me.... :/



Well I've seen someone comparing Mistika to Herpes, Yu Gi Oh! to cancer…


It's just focusing on one instance to make my point.


It is cancer

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we've become so overprotective of small children

Wasn't the person making that argument a small children?


That's the point; the small children are so sheltered, they don't know that racism wasn't just people picking on African Americans more than Caucasians, that cancer is so deadly, or any of that stuff. As such they make arguments that don't make sense, like the one bfa highlighted.

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