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Aqua Blaster Blade Contest Quadruple Poll - Coconut



This is Quadruple Poll "Coconut" for the KanohiJournal Aqua Blaster Blade contest. The entries with top 5 votes will proceed onto the Secondary polls.


1) Dorek

2) iVahi

3) Dc\'yn Quez

4) Creep Of The Deep

5) Avlok Mahri

6) Attei

7) Big Tuna

8) Planetperson

9) Kuma-Nui

10) Rozak - Toa of Destiny


If you notice any dupes, please inform me.


Apologies to five members of this poll who find themselves with the same 4 people you have been against in the Preliminary polls. There was a slight mess-up which caused your poll to be added to the randomized list last. :P


To vote, simply say the entry number you are voting for by posting in this blog entry. The votes will be tallied at the end of this poll.


This poll ends on the 4th of October 2008.


~ Bioran


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Entry 2 (I know it's lame to vote for myself, but I felt bad for myself...)


EDIT: That made no sense XD

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